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Everything posted by APA

  1. pretty much chaos adrian
  2. sup chaos niz, tell your mum she has an excuses to buya skyline now cam, wanna kill my high flow *****? adrian
  3. thats bad aids,if you don't mind mne asking what happened coz you never told me bout the magna crash adrian
  4. why is all of you killing your cats lol adrian
  5. which one was that aidwin? the one in the s15 that rolled it? cam thanks buddy, i'll let you know when the cooler comes in adrian
  6. riaz i am very interested in it dude, you reckon you can get it polished up for me first? is it easy to lengthen the accelerator cable? adrian
  7. the best part of goin to the gym is the chicks brett i dunno if i'll go today i' been threee days in a row might have a rest day today adrian
  8. hehehehe best thing is, that apparently shes been asking my mate bout me lol hahahaa i lost it laughing when he told me lolz(coz i was taken then) hmmmmm looks like more discounts at the gym for me if i act fast campbell, you working today? i ordered my cooler the other day, just to test out whether i will get caught by customs, if i don't i shall let everyone know and then whenever yous are ready yall can order the coolers ooh yeah and you still able to help fit it ? adrian
  9. so paulie how much would i be looking at to do my whole engine bay in the silicon shit? $50? adrian
  10. sup brett and cam aidwin, you kept form me that you have a girlfriend adrian
  11. marlows don't have the vaccum hose? adrian
  12. yeah i'll miss you paulie hehehehehee you feel like picking up the vacuum hose for me? simon gives you discount doesn't he? adrian
  13. ur back before august 8th? damn straight i woulda have to bust your caps if you weren't back for my b'day i dunno if this gym girl is fit, she only works front desk adrian
  14. heheh adrians my name, and shaftings my game paulie, yeah vacuum hose lol, i have funny names that only i use for this stuff lol hahaha what size do i need? in width that is? or is it various widths? adrian
  15. hahaha niz, apparently some chick who works at the gym likes me hahahahaa coz i now one of the sales concusltants there pretty well and he was telling me that she was asking bout me lol hahaha but maybe i just stay single for a while after all i'm only 17(turning 18 in 2 months and 10 days) yeah paulie me and her were best friends b4 we hooked up, i think it's best we go back to that adrian
  16. i feel like putting blue silicon cabling all in my engine bay? hmmmmmmmmmmmz who knows what size the cabling is for the engine bay? adrian
  17. yeah paulie, i've decided to give up trying with that one maybe just try and be friends thats all adrian
  18. aidwin you got a gf? hehe i just broke up wif mine(again) oh well didn't hurt as much this time adrian
  19. same goes for me hey adrian
  20. yeah i got auto inasnt, changing ur bov is alot different to changing to a bigger turbo buddy are you having trouble believe that resetting the ecu cures the errattic idling problems? , coz just about every workshop does it and it works adrian
  21. i'll be back soon dudes adrian
  22. the other half is suppose to arrive today or tommorow so hopefully next week it will be full steam ahead adrian
  23. who would the crudeness be directed to paulie? adrian
  24. my car is black lucky me adrian
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