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Everything posted by APA

  1. anyways, i'm out again guys whore yas later finally time to work out adrian
  2. nope they ain't oh well, nah money better spent on mods adrian
  3. are they still for sale? adrian
  4. i think i am gonna go order my personalised plates right now what yall think of NISMORISE adrian anyone think up of somethin real good in the next 5 mins that doesn't consist of 9 letters lol adrian
  5. no paulie, always gotta bring your gay side into everything don't you now hehehehe p.s:- maybe if i listen hard enough around 5.30pm i can hear your car from work on the dyno adrian
  6. hey guys back for a lil while, i gonna wait half hour b4 i got gym hehehee my mate decided he wants to work out so i'll wait for his slack ass adrian
  7. it's only $5 more then dan's deal, and i shouldn't have to say anything about the club, it's huge, top of the range equipment etc. hehehe sorrry dan, i just dun wanna be a loner adrian
  8. you wish i was dreaming just come join my gym i'll get ya $55 bucks a month membership heheheh it's worth it adrian
  9. no auctions! just me me me hahahahaa anyways dudes i am off to the gym for a nice workout whore yas later adrian
  10. ooooh yeah i saw a white Tommy Kaira Spec R34 on the cannington roads the other day, whoaaaaaaa it was so hot adrian
  11. it's all good, mates rates do apply of course adrian
  12. yeah i know that bit, but how bad can the wolf be? what solenoid you using for the wolf? adrian
  13. cool cool paulie, how much u wanna sell it to me for? $5 adrian
  14. yeah sorry thats what it is the accelerator cablehehe i didn't knwo wat to call it adrian
  15. sup campbell, are you still available to help me fit the FMIC when it comes? adrian
  16. hahahaa troo there are alot of mirrors at fitness first, but no paulie unlike you i don't check myself out , i am just about to head of to the gym for another workout plus another search for a supermodel adrian ahh the joys of being at a club with sooo much talent
  17. how much u willing to sell ur Blitz ebc for? is it single solenoid or dual solenoid? adrian
  18. dammit i got work at 5pm oh well maybe next time, you getting the wolf boost control setup today yeah? adrian
  19. what bout the lines? you know the cables coming off the throttle body thingo adrian
  20. i am still yet to hear your car on the dyno! adrian
  21. are u going to SST's tonight? wat time please say before 5pm? adrian
  22. troooooo, and then i'd need someone to alter the idle control lines blah blah blah will have to wait for my cooler to come adrian
  23. midnight cruise tonight? where? i finish work at 11.30 adrian
  24. paulie, would u give us a hand to install it if i take it? adrian
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