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Everything posted by APA

  1. paulie wasn't gonna be this weekend, i got wait for ebc and intercooler to arrive from japan adrian
  2. hahahhaa ken, get it right not chicken plucker, chicken griller there's an art to grilling i can sought of understand japanese pictures lolz or i just get the profec b guide from the american trust site but as for the workshop nope anyone willing to give me a hand? adrian
  3. how easy to hook up paulie? adrian
  4. it can't be that hard to hook up a ebc by your self yeah? adrian
  5. night bam bam adrian
  6. paul, hence the reason me and bambam gonna get our cars tuned derrrrrrrr? adrian
  7. yeah troy, it's just i ordered a kit their suppliers didn't have in stock so they had to make it up, and it's is mainly the suppliers fault coz they taking their sweet as time stupid queenslanders adrian
  8. bam bam my car's fule economy is like urs i needa tune my s-afc IIas well just gotta wait for intercooler and boost controller then i' ll be right for the tune adrian
  9. yes only half of my kit has arrived, the other half will be here by thursday or friday then it's full steam ahead hopefully next week, well it better be or i will bring my friend con the grocer and complain loudly adrian
  10. helllllllllo everyone adrian
  11. anyone around? adrian:p
  12. don't forget me, ooooooh wait i am on the dark side (fitness first) hehehehee i'll taek you all on WHO WANTS TO COME WITH ME! adrian
  13. bye everyone adrain
  14. why a frustrating weekend paulie? adrian
  15. ahem brett? where my morning? adrian
  16. oooooooooooooooooh rightio paulie anyways hi and bye my sis needs to do an all day assignment so probably won't hear much form me today i hate days when i can't use the computer coz i always go out and spend money (on the car lol) adrian
  17. the green actualy goes well with the carbon fibre bonnet adrian
  18. congrats killer-t and optic adrian
  19. cool cool so everything tuned and stuff on ur car? how much u end up pulling on the dyno? adrian
  20. night paulie aidwin u still sticking around? adria n:p
  21. hellllllll yeah, i had to clean the ****in mess up as well, so damn straight i had a ripe go at him adrian
  22. aidwin be serious hahahahaaa now now paulie, leave him alone you woudn't believe what happened at work, this psycho customer threw his plate(with food on it) at the front wall coz he thought the cashier was teasing him, because they had a little mis understanding earlier on hahahaa i was laughing, until he was a rude prick to me ohhhh boy did i shit all over him adrian
  23. aidwin leave the screamer, wastegatedoesn't open till max boost anyways? i i doubt u on max boost all day everyday right? adrian
  24. legal ain't in my vocabulary adrian
  25. troooooooooooo, yeah i haven't had any trouble with the screamer pipe so far so she's all good adrian
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