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Everything posted by APA

  1. cam i can't be bothere chasing up people so and if i order too many i have a feeling we will get caught, can you come up with the dollars by tommorow lolz and we shall just make it a lil secret between u and me adrian:p
  2. damn straight i gonna get my s-afc 2 and blitz super sound tommorow yay adrian
  3. i gonna order my fmic from nengun soon, probably by middle of next week soo cam u still interested? adrian
  4. what cruise? i wanna come sup dudes, i getting s-afc 2 tommorw hopefully adrian
  5. anyways dudes, i am off for tonight , whore yas all tommorow adrian
  6. yeah, but i workout first then stare my gym dun have that many hotties though hehehe JOKING! adrian
  7. damn straight greg, i love my cricket for sure troy boy, a nice friendly afternoon game of cricket will be the shit! ad i'll be old enough to have a drink at the pub afterwards bambam, u gonna come tommorow morning or what? i going at prolly 9.00am or 9.30 gotta pick gf up at 10.30 adrian
  8. but i gave up this year as i found more enjoyment in going to the gym adrian:p
  9. troy:- i used to play waca districts for perth your talking to a ex junior with a highest score of 146 not out adrian p.s i have the scorecard on a plaque to prove it
  10. mark taylor:- ex captain of australian cricket team, very famous, nickname:- tubby taylor, highest score 334*(notout) against pakistan adrian
  11. maybe i'll reset the ecu tommorow morning adrian
  12. why are you talking about mark taylor for? adrian
  13. no not loud, i was suppose to put one of these faces after it but i forgot i want somethin that has a stiffer spring and won't casue stalling problems at idle lol looks like the stocker is the go adrian
  14. s-afc, maybe new blow off valve, my prof one ain't that loud adrian
  15. bakc in singapore the shops open every night till really late! adrian
  16. subway is good though bambam better then maccas! yeah troy i always wanted a r2d2 u just want me to get it coz it related to star wars GEEK! hmmmmmmz maybe i just chuck the stocker valve back on nah paul mine only stalls when the revs drop suddenly adrian:p
  17. r2d2 for 180? adrian
  18. 24 hr subway? i'm up for some of that for sure adrian
  19. hks ssqv, is the only one i know that doesn't cause stalling problems adrian
  20. yeah i heard the stock bov is good, but it bleeds off boost so unless u can plug the hole up, you'll be bleeding off bosst 24/7 adrian
  21. the prof bov i got, doesn't idle properly! if i put it any tighter then it is, it won't open adrian
  22. i'm gonna go buy a SAFC and probably new bov early tommorow morning! what yall reckon blitz dual drive or hks ssqv? adrian
  23. yeah bambam i was interested in getting a profec b but then you don't get a idea of exatcly what boost your running as it has no digital display? i was thinkinh of giving the turbosmart e-boost a go? or maybe the Blitz Spec-S
  24. hmmmmmmz maybe i heard wrong then adrian
  25. profec aint that great i heard? adrian
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