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Everything posted by APA

  1. yeah aidwin came in tonight!, i checked out his trust front bar looks AWESOME, all thought it makes his intercooler look very small lol adrian
  2. yeah, i'm gonna call the spoiler shop tommorow it'll be three weeks tommorow and still haven't heard anythin form them, the lying ****s NOT HAPPY JAN! adrian
  3. eah i have a real good feeling they the cam gears:) but i better not get my hopes up, yeah i'll call aidwin, might pop round wherever he is doing the turbo! if he is doing that tommorow i am waiting for my engine to cool down so i can put my bov on! i am a nocturnal character she's all good now i got the flange modified so it can actually fit the stock spot adrian
  4. cabaret? micko? enough said eh! adrian
  5. i gonna pick it up tommorow, so all those that ordered cam gears hopefully you can be expecting an sms or phone call form me tommorow now to go an to some late night work on my car, re: fit blow off valve! adrian
  6. yo negroids! guess what theres a unknown package waiting for me at australia air express at the domestic terminals! my best guess is that it's the cam gears! too bad i wasn't home today to receive the parcel so i have to drag my ass up tot eh domestic airport to find out whether it is the cam gears, or i have been subject to a parcel bomb by terrrorists! adrian
  7. i pretty sure theres a lil flap on the r34 gtr wing which is adjustable!
  8. coz shaun, nowadays people are after looks! only the true hardcores like me and you and after performance! now off to modfiy this stupid blow off valve and the gym then come home and see if my boost will not bleed off like with the stocker blow off valve! adrian
  9. i saw a nice r31 yesterday! i like the chasers they looks phat with a nice kit, lowered suspenison and some phat rims! ultimate pimp mobile! better then the soarers adrian
  10. lol it';s just everyone knows the skyline is a superior car! iheard that ad it's for renouf technology or some shit adrian
  11. whats happening alex? me gonna head off to the gym soon,so can't whore long i gonna go visit a friend first, to see if they can modify this bov for me! adrian
  12. i tried fitting my bov yesterday but the flange is at an angle where i cna't close my bonnet cos the bov sticks out too much! i have to find sumwhere where i can get them to cut the flange off and re weld it back on at a diffrent angle so i can fit the ****er! adrian
  13. trooo? when will it be finished? adrian
  14. steve also sells autronics and haltechs on demand i'm pretty sure ?????????? adrian
  15. the hybrid intercoolers are very good many people use them, if i remember correctly it has a 0.2psi pressure drop or sumfin like that which is verrrrry good! adrian
  16. hahaha not cool aidwin! adrian
  17. anyoen round still? micko if you read this, i got night off tommorow, i wanna see your baby on the rollers wat time you be at SST's? adrian
  18. i'll be in and out trying to fit my damn bov on! adrian
  19. oooh yeah and hi guys! adrian
  20. my bov arrived yesterday, but i cna't get to the bottom bolt on the stock bov so that shat me right off! adrain
  21. well boyz i got a date with the gym tommorow morning so i'll catchas l8r adrian
  22. hhahaa hey my silver stockers look awesome! mmmmmmmm volk racing rims in carbon or black oooooooh yeah on a white car they look sexy! adrian
  23. troy, nengun is gonna email me when therer on their way! dun worry they will come! or is it that u wanan get ur pfc tuned? adrian
  24. man of course i care! how could you do that bitch hahahahaha it's all good man i ain't no stinge lol you can take them rims to the uk with you if you want, and i wouldn't give two shits lol hehehee aidwin make sure you bring the beast and my hot looking stock rims back in one piece lol hhehehee adrian
  25. whats hog breaths cafe? adrian
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