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Everything posted by APA

  1. i been asking around perth for quotes on hybrids, and they all close to $2000 including everything with fitting, so don't think i haven't researched on the local products adrian
  2. oh yeah nengun has just informed me that he recommends the trust cooler kits, also he can deliever them faster adrian
  3. okay guys ummmm sorry to say this gtr owners but you'll have to be counted out of this at the moment i can only get 32 gts-t and 33gts-t intercooler kits sorry again now to the gts-t owners the pricing for both r32 and 33 is the same soo this is what nengun has to offer HKS TYPE S Intercooler Kit:- 600 X 301 X 65 103,000 yen delivered TRUST V-SPL Intercooler Kit:- 600 X 244 X 76 98,400 yen delivered now the trust kit is exactly the same as Rob77's R-SPL kit the only difference is the inner core design hence the name v-spl and r-spl, trust has a v-spec core and a r-spec core the prices that he gave me were if I (AND I STRESS THIS) only i were to order one single kit then those prices above would apply to me, nengun has said that the more intercooler kits i order the cheaper the prices will become for everyone! so lets work this out 98,400 yen delivered in $AUS= 1,310.00 delievered to my door and thats just if i ordered, if i get more to order with me who knows how low the price will go and for those interested in the hks kit 103,000 yen in $aus = 1,370.00 delievered again that is for one single order both kits come as per usual with piping, silicon tubing and all the neccessary bits and pieces for straight bolt on installation so guys tell me who wants one i want to get the ball rolling by tuesday at the latest adrian
  4. hellllllllllllllllllllo anyone round still? adrian
  5. sorry chris i put in the wrong dimensions lol it's the HKS TYPE S KIT neo the hks and trust units for the r33 rb25det both use the the orginal supply and return holes i am pretty sure on that but brent will get back to me on details on the trust ones soon adrian
  6. hey dudes, bye dudes anyone interested in intercooler thread please check i posted new shit adrian
  7. and preferably i would only like PERTH buyers too much hassle getting seperate shipping thingos sorry adrian
  8. okay guys brent got back to me, the hks kits comes in two choices a non polished full kit and a all fully chromed kit whihc means chrome cooler and chrome piping, the dimension for both these kits for a r33 rb25det is 600x301x76mm, i forgot to ask about trust so i'll get back to him on that For those that asked, yes it is a full japanese spec intercooler kit! and i shall ask about the r32 gtr's and r32 gts-ts's coz at the moment i only got stuff for r33's and it will be paid by direct debit, the only thing is the direct debit is limited to certain amount of money adrian
  9. coz once i get the numbers together shall place an order then payment will be transferred over adrian
  10. ummmm depends niz, maybe a week or two adrian
  11. well brent will be getting back to me on the specs of the kits by tonight hopefully, so if you guys can give me a exact number on how many are interested i shall reply tonight and get exact prices by tommorow thanx dudes adrian
  12. hahaha me pimping i wish hahahaha anyways paulie buddy me off now gotta go looking for jobs in no way do i wanna become a bum must be somewhere with a computer though adrian
  13. yeah aidwin hasn't been around for awhile oh well it's all good adrian
  14. i finished my exhaust of yesterday finally stainless steel screamer/dump pipe into a 70mm Apexi n1 front Pipe into a Supercat 3" High Flow Cat into a Prof. VRS CS(circuit sports) cat back system mmmmm yummy adrian
  15. well i told brent to give me details on all the cooler kits he has and he said he got hks and trust they probably the ones he prefers more? adrian
  16. tafe is shit, i am going to spherion next year so i might as well work and get more money adrian
  17. rob:- the hks type s kit is on the taka kaira site for like 1600 delivered nengun gonna do it for $1300 so trust is more then likely exactly like yours cam:- if ya wanna use original holes then ya probably better off getting trust kit i'm guessin we shall wait and see off topic anyone wanna give me a day time job? adrian
  18. boost, ordering through nengun (japan) jason, dun think he has apexi adrian
  19. so cam, jas, boost you guys all interested or wat? adrian
  20. welll jason, hks uses original supply hole but not return hole trust uses original supply and return hole, so you probably be better off gettting the trust kit adrian
  21. sau matrix night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i would like some please sir but i heard it is like booked out for it's first five days/nights or some shit like that adrian
  22. doubt their be a cruise tonight adrian:p
  23. sup boost, yeah dump is awesome yeah he will be making money, i spose he getting back to me on specs of the coolers but i know for sure the hks kit is the HKS TYPE S cooler the trust kit i guess will be the one that rob77 has adrian
  24. Hey dudes, well brent(nengun) has sent me an email saying he is slashing his prices and i managed to get a rouhg guide on the slashed prices of the intercoolers he sells which at the trust and hks cooler kits if i order one by myself he reckons it'll be about $1300 delievered to my door, but he said if i can get another group buy happening he will lower the prices even more so anyone interested in getting a jap spec intercooler kit at an awesome price? i need to know by end of today or tommorow if you are very interested as then only i can get a exact price on how much the intercooler kits will be per person adrian
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