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Everything posted by APA

  1. hold up i will put a thread up u interested man? i thought u wanted a new intercooler? adrian
  2. kits buddy nuthing but kits well he reckons he is slashing his prices for the hks cooler kit to $1300 also the trust kit for this price but if i get another group buy happening he will drop prices even lower! how good is that adrian
  3. hks or trust you would not believe the price he is giving me if i just order he slash prices big time so if i get antoehr group buy happening he said he will drop price even moreconsiderably adrian:p
  4. wats up? soooooooooo me happy now i realise why people get all happy after installing a dump instant power and response gain, anyways i am gonna be ordering my intercooler soonish brent reckons he can lower prices if i can get another group buy happening adrian
  5. yo anyone still round? me tired stoopid work hehe adrian
  6. why are you selling it for? i'll take it for $300? adrian
  7. night paulie? so u gonna be able to come down at four still? adrian
  8. damn how many of these did i put in that last post adrian
  9. bambam, the wastegate doesn't open till it hits boost so as long as i don't hit boost around cops they won't hear it coz the wastegate will be shut dun worry ive worked it all out and it's definately not gonna produce any turbulence coz the wastegate gases going out to atmosphere just turbo gases going through the system i can't wait to hear it, and feel the diffrence everyone speaks of after they put a dump on adrian
  10. hahahaa, they won't find shit unless they crawl under the car hehehehe but then again i'll have my stocker on hand just incase which will be nusiance paulie, you busy tommorow morning? i need sumone to bring me back from xspeed then i also need someone to take me back to xspeed in afternoon to pick me car up adrian
  11. i can't wait till i go down there hehehe aiming for a 10second pass hahahahahaahah i wish adrian
  12. hahahaa i guess noone adrian
  13. hellllllllllllllo ,who wants to take me home form xspeed tommorow? when i drop my car off lol and then who wants to take me back there to pick my car up? adrian
  14. you block the return pipe form the bov, and due to the fact the air can't escape it goes back through the turbine, which is bad for your turbo so i suggest you do not do it! the fluttering sound is called compressor surge! sometimes you can get the flutter sound because your bov isn't tight enough but that is only for aftermarket bov's, this is why vl turbos, the early ca18 silvias make this flutter noise because they never came out with a standard bov this would be the 50 millionth time this has been explained adrian p.s:- never thought a 17 yr old would be explaining this to older people
  15. it's alreazdy been extended abit so hopefully it's all good adrian
  16. yeah he got the money, but golden week in japan finished today so he can't get the parts for another few days, so looks like next week the gears will come in i'm off to the gym now whore ya later:p adrian
  17. paulie are you working tommorow? adrian
  18. well jan told me to drop it off in morning, then pick it up at the end of the day so say 4 or 5? adrian
  19. i'm getting really excited, about my screamer pipe i manged to get tommorw night off as well, so i can test it out adrian
  20. hahaha yeah well gotta make it clear, that i don't like em lol adrian
  21. no garage wank that sounds gay lol goto cypher just buy a gauge pod off them they have them for cheap, attention this is the only time i would tell you to go there adrian
  22. u chat with them in the QLD area? or is it a different site? adrian
  23. why did u wanna join that for? did u not realise they in QLD? adrian
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