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Everything posted by 666DAN

  1. Depends on the light response of the camera, they enhance colours that are not as perceivable to the naked eye. I've got one camera that will show UV as blue and another that will show it as purple.
  2. Some primers are anti-corrosive to an extent (nasty bad chromium primers are the best) but I can't imagine the run of the mill primer having anything more than zinc phosphate in it and probably not at a high enough level to be awesome.
  3. Pwned, 16-19 hour half-life means you're flogged well into the next day, it's a horrible feeling.
  4. Yeah VERY long half-life, the metabolite of Valium is active also so the effects keep going. People get hooked because the way it works in the brain is on the exact same receptors as alcohol, except there isn't any feeling of being sick as the dose goes up. So you get a nice alcohol buzz with no ill effects, no wonder it's so tasty......not as tasty as Xanax though :S
  5. This will probably give you the worst groggiest hangover out of the lot, has a massive hal-life and will be there when you 'wake up' always makes me feel destroyed if I use it for allergies. The truely best sleeping tablets are the short half-life ones, Temazepam, Zolpiclone, Zolpidem etc etc they make you go to sleep, get metabolised and then your body takes over with no ill effects in the morning. Valium, clonazepam and Nitrazepam have fairly big half-lives also, though clonazepam will leave you feeling like you've lost a fair few IQ points. The problem with all of these are they are failry addictive over time, and if hooked can be dangerous to stop and require dose tapering over long periods to avoid withdrawal seizures etc etc Saying that, my pick of the bunch for a short term trial would be the Zolpiclone (Imovane)as it's not a true benzo, so doesn't have half the problems, but still psychologically addictive through getting wiked awesome sleep that feels fulfilling. These proved fantastic on our flight to the US, forced myself to sleep 3pm, woke up 7 hours later feeling great and ready to drive from LA to Vegas, no hangovers or anything with them.
  6. All good, didn't need to go far afield at all, got a position in Wynnum starting next week.
  7. Wedge T5's for the cluster and triple gauges
  8. My AVCR lived just below that in the pocket, flipped down when you opened it
  9. I don't, never owned an apple, never intend to either. That piece of fruit has most people grabbing their ankles while it's balls deep in their lower intestine. They were the innovators, but now the real power players have built on and improved their idea ten-fold. Android Googopoly FTW!!!!
  10. 'A' Charcoal Canister 'B' Would have gone to you old boost controller solenoid, can be blocked. Don't leave 'C' disconnected, it goes to the power steering air valve...I was getting confused as that is actually your top-pipe, looks like you've used it as your bottom pipe???? You can T this one also to feed the turbo actuator.
  11. Still the same problem, the R32 lens is refracting the LEDs too much and it just doesn't look right. I'd have to get a new board redesigned to suit the R32's which is not likely at the moment due to current commitments. I'm not even doing the R34's anymore due to a supply issue with the components.
  12. I've got the Galaxy running Android 2.3.4 and it's pretty quick and I'm 100% happy with it, I can only imagine the S2 would be more wicked-awesome, plush it has a camera flash now, bah!
  13. Changing oil isn't cutting corners, it was more to prove that something simple can often be the fix. Too many people on here look for the most complex reason they have a fault and it normally isn't the case. I'm also a big advocate for not spending a billions dollars on oils, especially with the amount of driving people do on here. Both my R34's I racked up over 100,000kms on them, stuck to $40-$50 oils and never had a single problem with the cars and both were making decent power and were well driven.
  14. She avoided any follow up appointments with her GP as she liked what was happening with regards to weight loss. The only reason she popped up again was to get more medication. Denied! Go straight to your GP do not pass go.
  15. We had a patient that was taking thyroxine, but the prescriber had given her the wrong dose and dosing schedule, it was picked up when she came back to get her following 3 months supply and she had dropped 19Kg (was almost back to ideal body weight) that stuff shreds fat by turbo-charging your metabolisim. All this from being on 200mcg instead of 100mcg. As mentioned though there is a massive price to pay by supplimenting you natural balance of T3/T4 for that long. I've seen low doses ie 50mcg used for month on/off cycles with no apparent harm, probably as relative as getting testicle cancer from steroids...some poor bastard is going to be unlucky, while a good majority are fine.
  16. PM'd....also anyone else?
  17. Yeah, best left to 'Grand Designs'
  18. Yeah mate pre reg. Exhausted pretty much most of the pharmacies in the area. The market is flooded with us at the moment and pre reg jobs are scarce. Im south brisbane
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