This will probably give you the worst groggiest hangover out of the lot, has a massive hal-life and will be there when you 'wake up' always makes me feel destroyed if I use it for allergies.
The truely best sleeping tablets are the short half-life ones, Temazepam, Zolpiclone, Zolpidem etc etc they make you go to sleep, get metabolised and then your body takes over with no ill effects in the morning. Valium, clonazepam and Nitrazepam have fairly big half-lives also, though clonazepam will leave you feeling like you've lost a fair few IQ points.
The problem with all of these are they are failry addictive over time, and if hooked can be dangerous to stop and require dose tapering over long periods to avoid withdrawal seizures etc etc
Saying that, my pick of the bunch for a short term trial would be the Zolpiclone (Imovane)as it's not a true benzo, so doesn't have half the problems, but still psychologically addictive through getting wiked awesome sleep that feels fulfilling.
These proved fantastic on our flight to the US, forced myself to sleep 3pm, woke up 7 hours later feeling great and ready to drive from LA to Vegas, no hangovers or anything with them.