Here's a quick guide, will give 100% trouble free perfect installation if the steps are followed to the letter! Let's go!
Step (1)
- Your parker bulbs have arrived, they may look like any of the following T10 types (depending on what you have ordered) they all share the same feature though, they have a universal T10 base, as found in >95% of cars on the road.
Step (2)
- Locate you parker bulb socket, rotate the socket so that the socket and bulb assembly are easily accessed.
Step (3)
- Remove the bulb, it simply pulls out
Step (4)
- Squeeze the metal tags a bit closer together, this will give a nice tight fit to the LED bulbs when they're installed
Step (5)
- Now the bulbs are removed, turn the parker lights ON
Step (6)
- Splay the legs of the LED bulbs at a 45 degree angle, all the bulbs on the right have had this done, compared to the bulbs on the left. This will almost guarantee the metal
legs will have perfect contact with the copper tags in the parker bulb socket.
Step (7)
- Simply place the bulb into the socket, if you have got it the correct way around it will illuminate straight away, if not, simply take the bulb out and place back in turned 180 degrees, it will now light up! If nothing lights up, check that you legs are still angled and that they are making contact in the base, no contact = no power to the bulb.
Step (8)
- Now everything is working, put the sockets back in their original location, done!