The boot light I'd do the wiring and send on in plug n play form, I've got my car to do the test fitting on, so it's no problem just sending on a ready to go item
With indicators I've been using 3W Cree LEDs I actually found some decent ones, TrinGT has got them in his car as well...I'll try and get a video of them in action and put it up.
I just ordered a few of those boot light ones for the hell of it, I'll have enough to do 5 cars in a couple of weeks, I got a load of the reverse ones as well, enough to do 3 cars normally or 2 cars with a red and a white.
*actually after just looking it may use 4 of the stirps in there as I can fit in a board of up to 160mm long* So the LED display would be 20 x 2 LEDs anyways I'll build one and take a pic of it, may work out to be ~$35 with the extra board*