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Everything posted by BLiNKsTaR

  1. you are all a bunch of whingers....
  2. I'm definately interested! xmas time is hectic but that's ok for me, i got holidays from 22nd dec to 6th jan
  3. Well if your interested the next general motorkhana is on november 18th down gympieland. For this one it's $30 entry and you have to have some sorta of racing licence and a road registered car. You don't get as much track time though as there are between 40-50 entries for the day. But i kinda like watching the others inbetween filling in time. You learn what not to do!!
  4. so is that gift of life the basic course?? Cuz I wouldn't mind doing a more advanced course next time.
  5. hey, I've done two defensive driving courses in my day. I've picked up a few things which make the course well worth while. 1st one i did was at queensland raceway when i first got my licence, learnt a bit, had fun with the beer goggles. 2nd one i did was to get a 10% insurance discount somewhere in briz and was fun cuz I got to scare the lil 17-18yr olds with my car lol (Too fast for course & way too much scrubbage) You got a link with any more details of the course your talking about? Maybe even a price?
  6. I'm not directly relating my comments to anyone in particular. I just hate drivers who are idiots on the road. I've had enough of my friends killed because of other people’s stupid driving decisions. Oh I can see you all grown up, my bad. I guessed you were young by the way you acting on the forum. The idiot drivers know who they are and if you don't drive stupid on the roads, I don’t see why you need to go so defensive. I must admit, most of the people on these forums are good drivers, but it's generally people associated with them that aren't. There is no point arguing, each to their own view. Don’t call me a little girl either old man.
  7. Actually, when you grow up you realise that driving fast/stupidly on the road is actually danagerous for you and everyone else on the road. You obviously dont give a shit about anyone else. You may know what your doing, no one else does. Just remember, the world doesn't evolve around you, there are others on the road. They could be tired, drunk, sick or a paranoid driver and could at any time drive in your way. Dont even start me on pedestrians or wild life. But enough with the lecture. Who's going to watch the footy this arvo? I certainly are!! woo hoo!!
  8. and of course that was on the track as no one street races since it's dangerous towards yourself and unsuspecting others and highly illegal.
  9. Or maybe they got better things to do?
  10. Majority of the photos I took. Didn't really put much effort into the photos, most of them i took sitting down in the shade lol (HENCE the shitting angles etc)
  11. Hey what colour car were u in? i got some short snippets of a couple of other skyline runs!
  12. Enough with the bitch fights; this is a public forum, anyone and say anything they like. It's just common courtesy that you don’t have a whinge about someone else or get their work involved!! That’s what pm’s are for! (Dobbers wear nappies don’t you remember that rhyme!) So where were all your guys on sunday? Didn't see you's at the motorkhana?
  13. did u guys finished up big pineapple car park? my mum saw some cars with their bonnents up there lol
  14. wow nice save!!
  15. $300 if i want?? lol how do i do that?
  16. Hoping it wont be too bad when i eventually get it fixed lol I think retail price for a new compressor is around $1000, hoping to get a better price through work though
  17. my a/c compressor blew up on the way home from briz today lol gave me a hell of a fright!! I just got all my belts replaced last week cuz they were squeakin and now they squeaky again!! damn
  18. u shouldn't go out driving tonight, your mad. My bro was caught up in the middle of the 8 car pile up on the highway near forest glen yesterday, nothing he or his driver could do except go with the flow. If you do go out, remember 'safe travelling distance'!!
  19. hey, i'd be up for skirmish ill dress up as a boy if i can come??
  20. was that coxys workshop in kunda?
  21. Does anyone know if it is illegal to drive around with P/L plates on your car with out anyone on their p's actually driving?
  22. They told me that and they were needed the past 2 times i've competed. I've been going every 3mths for about 2yrs now. Though if they have a special event, i'm fairly sure the extra cost of the day includes extra insurance or something and that the extra licence isn't need. you'd have to check that!
  23. im going to one in first week of september. tis $30 entry but there is alot of ppl there (45-50 entries) for the day and you need either cams or aasa licence. Still a fun day though!
  24. i saw you drive past my house on the weekend christain. you car shines in the light lol do you wash it like every day?
  25. But then you get done for talking on your mobile too?? I got let off after i speed off from a undercover copper car, cut across double lines and drove into a closed car park at 2am in the morning cuz they didn't have their lights on until after I'd done it. When they pulled me over I made them show ID then I went on about them being arseholes for following me for 5mins since I was a chick driving on my own so late at night. They apologized then let me go. State traffic police, gezzz I dont know, they must get bored!! I also got pulled over once for a 'RBT' and the copper is like 'bet you think we're doing RTB's but we're really just pulling over all the hot chicks'. WTF
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