Skirts wouldnt fit a passage eithher, they're for a 2door
Like i said before the CCS style skirts wouldnt be too bad, save some modding, there are also a few variations on the CCS kit depending on which state you're from (CCS = Canberra Car Styling) You could look at 31House side skirts, as I believe they fit on a 4door or wagon, but 31house kits are expensive for what they are... all you would really need to do for a wagon is fit a Coupe rear bar, which I belive bolt on. "Angry" from the 31 forums has done so with his wagon. I still dont know if the URAS rear bar will fit mind you. There is also the aussie GTS2 rear bar & skirts, but that wouldnt really match the URAS front end too well.