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Everything posted by msports180

  1. Might have to get a sticker printed of that for the back!
  2. I got $200 on em so i'll do em for $150 and i can probly drop them off, depending on where he lives.
  3. Make an offer on anything guys want it gone. If i can sell some more i'll keep spending more on the stagea and i'll want to keep it May be making a trip to perth soon to take some other stuff up so if anyones up there i can bring it with me.
  4. Just had a thaught to (yeah it hurt). Dosnt the emanage ultimate have the option to go MAP instead of MAF? if so do that, get it retuned to suit and you will never have the problem again.
  5. I dont think it will reset the emananage, these normally have to be reset via the software. What it does is resets any fault codes the computer has registered. So if its in say limp home mode it will reset from this and go back to normal. I had to do this to correct my idle with the stock 26 ecu after we fixed a few vaccum leaks.
  6. Yep exactly. Damn afms, the amount times at drift days ive popped an intercooler hose and had to limp into the pits bellowing black smoke and barely running. Got 3-4 hours drifting with 100mph tape on intercooler piping after it split, works a treat And yeah my stagea drops on idle if you take the oil cap off.
  7. Depends on the turbo's efficiency range to. At say 10-14psi it may be similar to stock, probly only difference be a lower discharge temp. Then as you increase the boost it will pull away substantially. A good tune getting rid of the SAFC will unleash a heap more to.
  8. Yeah sounds like you have been ripped mate, sorry to hear that. My 260rs had camber adjustment bolts in the rear allready? I just assumed these were factory? as i planned on lowering it more i got rear adjustable camber arms for $200. Also Went front adjustable castor rods for $200. For the front i would of thuaght with the bushes they could of got a better result then that. Allthough sometime they front upper arms can be a bitch to get to out. I know mine where a right pain in the ass to the point i was contemplating not putting the cusco's in. So some labour cost may of come from here. As for the pressing the bushes in and out as mentioned its a 10min job. LCA bushes can take a bit longer but camber one's are piss easy.
  9. Bump Have just fitted: ISC 52mm alloy rad Front adjustable castor rods Rear sway bar link bushes and new links New engine fan (well a 2nd hand one but not cracked) Also done coolant flush and full service, so basically fixed everything that was wrong with it.
  10. Nice result allready!! Ive been looking at these turbo's, hoping that the stock turbo on my R34 wud go so i cud replace it. Sounds like they offer a good "step 1" increase which is all id want. You can get good results with FPR's and you can also end up with a bad result like a lean out. I think on a NEO with a FPR you should be able to get a safe 220RWKW with a nistune espicially with a good tuner like trent. There's a bloke over here in WA getting near on 380rwhp with stock INJ's with a FPR and its in a drift car. The only other mod id consider would be a EBC and maybe some splitfire coil packs as your gonna need em eventually with a NEO. Interesting to see your results, keep us informed.
  11. I rang a suspension place here in WA. And they told me the sizes, and said there stock 33 GTR sizes? I dunno? Maybe autech put diff sway bars in?
  12. OK so i got a little excited and started ordering the parts before the money got here as i had to rush it a little. I had planned on getting a new rad which was handy as mine split on me last week. So the car hasnt moved since last monday. So i have so far: Got the rad out and flushed the coolant out and changed thermostat also changed the engine fan. (waiting for new rad to arrive) Fitted the rear Hicas cancellor and rear camber arms. Fitted the a autometer boost guage and mearcat pod i had from the old RS4 Started fitting the fuel pump Then the fun began, today my bushes turned up that i orderded. Front and rear sway bar mounts bushes, rear link bushes and steering rack bushes. I never measuered my sway bars i just went the stock size... well i should of. Stock size rear is 18mm mine is 24mm Stock size front is 22mm mine is 28mm So it appears i have aftermarket sway bars in there, so im happy for that and sad that i spent $100 on the wrong bushes. So i have to order some more now. So i thaught OK i'll do the link bushes while im here, and what happens both links one end shear's off... So ive just ordered some new links coming ex east be here in a week... At least i have a sense of pride as im definatley doing my part for the economy now! OK back out to the garage to see what else i can break i mean repair.
  13. Sorry mate dont have one, the autech never came with one so had to use it.
  14. txt replied. At $535 quoted for freight from toll ipec i wont be upset if your not interested Bonnet struts sold
  15. I meant the front toe. But yes rear toe again can help, but depends whethere HICAS is there or not, being a 260RS it will have it fitted, whether he has a cancellor rod or not he never mentioned. And yes rear toe in helps stability and turn in, and toe out makes the car more slidey.
  16. Yeah positive castor makes a big difference as mentioned. Also consider your wheel alignment, most cars are designed for passive understeer by the wheel alignment. Consider postive castor, and neautral toe to toe out will increase turn in, but will cause the car to follow the camber of the road more. Adjustable sway bars to for sure. Nolathane do adjustable castor rod bushes, what im doing is going some ISC adjustable castor rods and an agressive wheel alignment.
  17. Is it a S1 or S2? If its a series 2 then would have trans problems with ecu? S1 should be fine?
  18. = engine failure jokes For sure you can get good examples. Just most people that own a performance vehilce drive it like a performance vehicle. If you were looking to rebuild it then be a great way to go. And rusty shit hole... yes my point exactly... mine had holes you could put your fist through under the sound deadning.
  19. Factor in the 100kms and the 10k engine rebuild and new brakes etc etc there only cheap for a reason trust me i learnt the hard way.
  20. Hey mate im after the surround that goes around the stereo? Have one?
  21. Outer Dash vent sold Passenger mirror sold A/C compressor sold Im sick of tripping over the busted RB25 $500
  22. If a series 2 might be a coil pack? Similar to R34 problem?
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