Yeah man a lot of work and time has gone into this not to mention sleepless nights and money but my heart is still set on another car which I really want to get
I did a quick calculation just before to how much I have spent on this car and I could'nt believe it - for the price I'm asking I think its fair - but if I don't get it I will be keeping it
No rush to sell at all - worse case if I still want to get the other car I'm going to strip this down to stock and buy the other car
haha thanks for your comments AP
Yep it is a loss to me, a big one but I've got my eye on something else so we'l see how it all goes from here
Still need to get this thing tuned properly - might even end up changing my mind, who knows lol
hahaha bring it bitch!
Thanks David
Still spending time and money on it and will continue to until its sold lol
Just for anyone who is interested, the car will be sold WITH tune - if someone buys the car before it gets tuned I will still get it done but I can have it tuned to whatever you want, 10, 12 ,14, 16psi etc so you don't write your self off on the way home