tuning a 34 GT-T can be VERY costly. Make sure you kow where you want to go from DAY ONE - have a rough power figure in mind and aim to work towards it. Re: ECU - for heavy modification, i'd recommend a G4 over a PFC. I've had both and whilst the PFC was ok for light modification, if you're wanting to go over the top, it simply doesn't keep up. Main things to consider before slapping a bigger turbo on and saying done - cooling (GET AN OIL COOLER) fuel and ignition. Splitfire coils, properly gapped plugs, uprated injectors and pump and a pressure regulator are what you need to be thinking about prior to manifold wastegate and intercooler. I built my GT-T over several years, and wasted a lot of money on bad advice from the wrong people. Find someone who you can trust and half the battle is won.
Posted a link below to the final build, it makes around 290rkw - doesn't sound like much but with the amount of torque and how light it is, it goes pretty damn hard. http://social.nengun.com/member/ares/my-daily-gtt