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About cefiro-rb20

  • Birthday 06/05/1968

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  1. Guys, Wonder if anyone of you know what is the right combination / setting for these three items. 1. ACC valve - adjust the screw towards inside or outside for more air 2.Throttle switch sensor - should it lean more to left or right 3.Crank angle sensor - wat is the best position -max anti clockwise or vice versa. I know if we can adjust these three items correctly ,the idling will be better and more power . Any ideas? I ve got signal 34 on my check light...wat should i do.I think its the knock sensor.
  2. hi..actually wat is knock sensor.my diagnosis on the ecu show code 34..knock sensor.Can someone explain wat does it means? Is it sensor are spoilt n how can i rectified the problem since my engine is very unstable now.
  3. i taught any lsd with that has cluncking sound is better...most of the drifters in malaysia is using it...
  4. thanks dude...mind to ask u something....when u said it being shimmed....wat does it mean?
  5. ya la...i taught of the same thing also...i did test it b4 i installed the vlsd...turn one tyre but the other doesn't move...thats the open diff..isn't it?
  6. thanks 4 all of yur advice...will ask my mech to look inti it again. by the way,how can i know whether the lsd is mechanical or viscous with 1 way type,1.5 or 2? is there any diffrence in terms of peformance ?
  7. mine is a viscous lsd...taking corner really make me sick hearing the clunking noise...seem very abnormal to me.I use my car for normal street driving ...innyour opinion is it suitable using viscous-lsd or should i put back my stock diff.Any possibilities will damage the the parts or not? but on the straight line it really made a difference....lots of power ..
  8. sorry if my reply does'nt related to your questions.i'm quite new about all this thing. i ve installed a standard viscous lsd to my ceffy..probably same with u.My problem is when taking a corner at a lower speed ,there is some strange noise i heard from the rear axle....it normal ?
  9. hi guys, quite some time i haven't wrote in this forum..very busy nowadays, i ve just installed a lsd gearbox on my cefiro.I think i have a problem here and need some of you guys advice. when i'm driving slow and try to make a turn ( left r right ) there is a loud sound from the rear axle .sounds like some gear knocking each other..i don't know how to describe it .but it sounds real loud even I can feel the vibration. Driving at high speed,the sounds gone even while taking a sharp turn.My mech told me its normal for a car with a lsd gearbox attached to it to have that kind of sounds.It is true ...that sounds really piss me off....any idea?
  10. o2 sensor seem 2b ok.signal shows ok. yesterday spend half a day to disconnect all the electricty socket and spray wit contact cleaner...including the afm..know wat?..ecu diagnosis show reading 55..system ok. on the other hand...its still running slow during 2nd gear...n sometimes jerking... any idea friends?
  11. hi..my ecu got only 1 flashlight..anyone have the diagnosis table or not?
  12. change my afm today..check the diagnosis signal... same result.. any of you gals experienced the same problem b4?
  13. i've a problem here.just done some ecu diagnostics on my Mines ECU.This ecu got only one led. Signal came out 12.I believe 12 belongs to MAF sensor circuit.Can anyone tell me if this signal mean that my afm got problem?My ceffy not running smoothly nowadays and sometimes it keep on jerking....and its damn heavy goin on 2nd gear.Worst still it took 23 liter of fuel for 100 km ... pls help.. thx.
  14. i think i stick to my initial plan....no wing at all..save my wang ( money )...
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