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Posts posted by walkingpig

  1. Sorry if this is a 'time waster' post, but my car was stolen, and i have now recovered it, but they only drove the sum of about 1km - the tyres show no signs of burnouts, but my clutch, when i let it out - doesn't affect engine speed AT ALL, mechanics just said - yeah clutch, so its in having the clutch fixed. But i can't see how a clutch can go from gripping perfectly, to not gripping AT ALL, in 1 km, so i'm concerned that the gearbox is fecked also,

    i'm a little strapped for cash since i had nothing before this happened, and i've now spent $1000 on recovering the vehicle and clutch parts, so if the gearbox is to blame i'll need a new one:(

    is $500 the cheapest you'll do for the gearbox?, i'm in brisbane, what company did you try for freight through, i sent a gearbox and diff via rail, about 400kms for $28 not so long ago.

  2. Angry, thanks for the feedback - i have thought about sr20 - but it does mean the works for fitment - ie custom mounts, driveshaft etc (the rb's dont need this). Basically the SR requires the same job as a VG - which in my opinion willl always have more potential?

    Useless trivia - a guy with an sr20 in his 240z sold it for $90 000 to someone in sydney a year or two back!!!!!

    As for saying your RB24 is cheaper than the rb25, i have seen a few people say that the rb25 is much cheaper to get? Do you mind disclosing the costs associated with your build?

    Guilt-toy: I am still planning this upgrade, i'm moving house early in the new year, so i wont be doing anything until the dust settles in a few months after that. So i dont want to waste your time now. But if you dont mind chatting about it this far in advance, - i would love to hear about the RB30/25 you are building and what its costing you - and will it all end up forged etc. If thats cool then just say and i'll PM you to chat


  3. In addition to your comments about demographics:

    I Always think, now hang on - the goverment is going to stop the majority, or at least a large portion, of the people who would ordinarily buy performance parts and have their car modifed, from being allowed to do so. You can guarantee half import mechanics around are going to dissappear as their business dries up.

    However, you are exactly right - nobody says anything as HSV slowly push the power up, (there was however debate about FPV's 330kw car). And for good reason, Holden and Ford both make their cars here in australia. We inevitably get our skylines out of a factory in japan.

    No need to waffle about the point, it may be poorly worded - but everyone can see where its going:)... it all comes back to votes - the goverment is not, wasn't, and never will be here for 'our betterment' they are there to make sure they keep their votes, and they keep getting paid - everyone should know that!

  4. My Opinion:

    I think the goverments approach is a load of crap as per usual, and i would be prepared to place money on the fact that they dont make their decisions based on what is proven to be best (just take a look at the speed camera saga - (do your research)) but rather do what gets them the most brownie points with voters.

    Sure they might lose our vote - but how many of us(p platers), and our older counterparts have been cut off by a lunatic before. As time goes on, we may forget the make of the car that cut us off, and never know how old the driver was, but we think -yeah ltes stop those barstards from cutting us off - then we see the heavy usage of the media in portraying the people at fault as drivers of high powered imports. (this is just one example of how they know they'll secure a positive effect on the next election day).

    A serious point i think is overlooked, is the fact that taking someones license away is NOT going to stop them from speeding. In fact, they'll probably still drive - and speed anyway to make sure they aren't on the road long enough to be seen by an officer of the .. law.

    Also, i have lost my license for doing 40+, and will soon do it for 18 over when its finally processed. As a result - i would be considered a 'high risk' driver and further penalized because of this. It is totally unfair, when i was caught doing 40+ it was on a dead quiet road which was as flat and smooth as your local drag strip (i chose this road for these reasons) and i deliberately chose to speed as we were tuning my SU's, and i would rather have tested my car near home, than driven out of town to do it, we all know what can happen if tuning is wrong and our engines lean out. The Second time, was also a total joke, i even knew the policeman was there - but the speed limit was not signed (hence why i'm going to court). But i'm not here to sook, my point is - i will be deemed an at risk driver because of these two incidents - when in reality, i never speed (i am serious), in fact, i'm the one that sits back 30 meters in traffic simply because i want to make sure there is safe distance if the person in front slams their brakes on.

    I dont know whether what i have said is terribly useful, but the point is - no amount of laws will fix the problem, people will still go out with no license, and crash their car at 200kph - because they are 'dick-heads'. I think many people have said it, and all will agree - that its attitudes that need to change, and no i dont think that showing gory pictures on the TV will change them(most people my age find it cool to get grossed out by horror movies etc).

    I myself would LOVE to find a driver training center around brisbane that lets you use your own car - the only one i know of uses holdens, what good is it learning to drive a modern holden with ABS and no turbo to deal with, when my car has no ABS, and when i'm accelerating through the entire rev range - i dont just happily rev out at fairly constant accleration, i get a turbo that, if allowed to hit at full throttle, changes my acceleration enough to spin the wheels even in a straight line (let alone a corner, and in the wet)

    Sorry if i have wasted all of your time with sensless personal opinion - but i do think we need to find a way to change drivers attitudes, not what car they drive.


    P.S. - what the hell is with public transport these days, it would cost me 20% more to go to work by train than in my car - and a modified rb20det isn't exactly your 3cyl Echo.!!!!

    the Goverment needs to think about its public transport strategy at the same time - why would any of us give up the freedom of our car on the way to and from work (etc) unless it was noticably cheaper!

  5. (Yes i did search first).

    Background: i have a 260z and i have completed and enjoyed my upgrade from the old L block to an rb20det. It makes somewhere around 240 - 250rwhp at 12psi. This is not enough.

    Foreground: I am eternally tossing up ideas for the next upgrade, so i think where better to ask for opinions than here!

    So Naturally, like all of us - i like to plot and scheme every little horsey out in my head to remind me why i work so hard!

    For a while i thought, bugger it, rb's just dont have to torque - i'll go VQ30det if i can get one, and if not vg30det, they do fit - and essentially i end up with a midmount car with lots more torque. However its a fairly pricey job to fit one.

    For a while previous to this i thought rb30/25, but 've never seen anyone build a decent rb30det for much under $15000 on the engine and turbo etc, let alone a matching gearbox and getting it to fit in!

    Also, rb26 halfcuts are getting ridiculously expensive.

    So my ponderings lead me to this conclusion, 3 options: work the rb20 - no it will never have the torque or power as is so:



    rb25DET Neo vvt version.

    mind you even rb25's are starting to get expensive.

    So the main questions are - has anyone built, or been in an rb24 powered car, and how did it go? I have heard mixed things - like people are dissapointed with it as they lose revability etc, which is part of why we like the rb20. And at the end of the day, would an rb25 be better off (keep in mind than an rb24 done properly leaves me with mostly forged internals?)

    And the other question is, just how good is the neovvt? sure it adds a lot of power stock, but do modifications also recieve a bonus to their effectiveness? And is it worth going for the neovvt, as its atleast another $1000 to get the halfcut (over an rb25).

    The VG30 is really cheap, and semi forged - and will give me great handling - but cost more to fit.

    Ideally it would end up cheaper, except that i have a very expensive exhaust system that was built custom for my car (naturally an rb20 exhaust does not fit underneath a 260z) And an rb series upgrade would almost leave my exhaust and cooler pipings lining up very neatly to where they do on the current rb20.

    So, i guess i'm looking for personal opinion, is the neovvt worth the extra money? (i suspect that an extra $1000 might be quite an effective sum, considering the money you need to spend per kilowatt with other upgrades)

    Actually, realising how long my post is, i dont tihnk anyone will bother to read it far enough to share their opinion:).


  6. Hey all,

    I Desperately need an R32 GTST ECU, RB20DET... its a manual car, but i'm told auto's are the same ecu anyway

    I have been waiting 6 months to get my license back, have finally finished my engine swap, the first ecu was faulty and blew up, and now the 2nd one, during a quick run to see if it was fine, the battery came loose and pushed the wiring into the dump pipe which burnt through and shorted everything blowing the ecu...

    so someone please have sympathy and sell me an ECU! i need it within the week

    Thanks, Charles

  7. Hey all

    this is my last post before trashing everything(if not sold i'm already dumping them with a friend - so please dont bother to say "if you are throwing it out can i have..."

    parts are from an R32 GTST

    radiator and shroud

    fuse box and relay box

    stock intercooler with alll plumbing

    gearbox and engine crossmembers

    Dash and glovebox

    contact me on [email protected] or 0419993515 after 10am

    anything not sold inside a week gets dumped


    Also have Kenwood 7x10's in pods and an avalance amp. amp was never used, kenwoods came with a car i bought.


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