1. required, must comply with AS 1698 or equivalent.
2. "neck to wrist to ankle" non flammable clothing, driving suit recommended, shoes must also be non-flammable . i.e. sneakers made of synthetic materials are technically not allowed.
3. heh
4. should be OK, you won't be pushing it that hard I would expect.
5. if there's 3 groups then 40 minutes in between (60/3=20) , if there's 4 groups Dave usually runs 15 minute sessions
6. BLEED YOUR BRAKES!!!!!!!!!!! This is the most overlooked thing for track preparation. Nothing worse than having the pedal go to the floor on the 3rd lap because of all the grungy sh1t in your lines and calipers.
Check all fluid levels, tyre pressures, wheel nuts, everything!
Contrary to popular belief Frank Williams does NOT recruit at drive days so stick to your limits and you'll have a great time and drive home in an unbent car.
oh and have fun