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Everything posted by red900ss

  1. w00t! Congrats guys!!!! (now we are talking about a living breathing addition here right? :confused: ) Now your mini GT-R will get some use Duncan. :uh-huh:
  2. Yeah well things are probably quiet on his uncle's moisture farm atm.
  3. I wonder how many womp rats he's got with it?
  4. Depends what you want done and if you are willing to pay for service.
  5. bet his mullet is just as spesh :uh-huh:
  6. LOL!! "Obi Wan has taught you well..." [/ Vader]
  7. Will get one to you BIGBLOCK. Talej, standby.
  8. That's 'cos they're a better car.
  9. He's probably running a bike day on the track that day, that'd be why he's keen on the skidpan getting used at the same time.
  10. Try Justjap (link in my sig). They should have all of those bits.
  11. red900ss


    The premium on an eclipse will be the same if not more than a skyline.
  12. Yep sounds like the clutch is still slightly engaged. You may get away with adjusting/bleeding it instead of replacing the clutch. Let us know what the end result is.
  13. red900ss


    why not just stick with the fwd BMW?
  14. Never take the rap for something you didn't do. I can't believe anyone would....
  15. No response=Kel in denial :uh-huh:
  16. w00t! are you 26 again this year Kel?
  17. Wow! You went to Japan with The Bronski Beat?
  18. LOL! :bahaha: I was going to put a pic of Kel in my post above but I value my life (unlike you Dan ).
  19. 13 22 13
  20. Last night's colour scheme was the best! :uh-huh: I like it with the names on the left, though there seems to be alot of dead space between the bottom of the signatures and the "edit" "reply" tabs.
  21. Don't be sorry for 1 second PranK. There's alot of "I want this, I want that" and you can't please all the people all the time.
  22. Machining is definatley worth it.:uh-huh: Shuddering usually means warped discs. If your discs look worn then get them done. It's like a tetanus shot: If you can't remember the last time you had it done then it's due (same for bleeding the brakes ). strutto - the amount removed from the disc is dependant on how deep the grooves are. The machining takes them back to a flat surface.
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