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Everything posted by red900ss

  1. heh I would have lent you my GPS for much less than the Road Angel cost Duncan
  2. benm, they bolt straight on (same calipers etc). Go to this thread in Performance. Ask dbasteve your other Qs.
  3. So THATS what it sounds like to snap a driveshaft... Like this? or like this? :bahaha:
  4. Looks like there's interest for R32 and R33.
  5. Group Buy Thread Steve, could you let me know which supplier would be interested in a group buy? Or at least who to approach? Thanks, Dino
  6. The DBA Kangaroo Paw Rotors are now available for R33 GT-R, GTS25t, R32 GT-R. I think the R32 GTS-T Front(??) (DBA 4909)will be ready in a couple of weeks. If you are interested in participating in a group buy of the above please post details here. Skyline model, Front +/or Rear. I'll give it a couple of weeks and see what the response is like.
  7. Now it's probably changed, but the law in NSW had nothing about lane splitting as long as the traffic was stationary and you didn't cross back and forth across the line. Check your local laws. Maybe not... FYI, I have a 2 into 1 system
  8. IvanINC, if your spelling and grammar is indicative of the standards being taught in schools these days then NO traffic should be allowed near ANY school. You poor kids must find it hard to distinguish between red and green, let alone WALK / DON'T WALK. btw, I just spent the day at my 7 y.o. niece's school open day and she would 0x/n J00 in any spelling bee....
  9. I havn't checked this thread for a while Steve glad to hear they are in stock. Is DBA interested in a group buy? Or do we approach a reseller?
  10. wtf Dave? I'd be calling them up and saying you are going to take this further. With the witnesses you probably have it would be a clear case of the guy being in the wrong.
  11. Sounds good to me Ronin. I'll be there if I can.
  12. Deal Roy you win lotto and work on my car!
  13. why is it those chicks from charmed don't move their bottom jaw when they talk?
  14. Bummer Dan. Don't know much about the law in this case sorry. Get some legal advice. Maybe if it's based on a subjective observation you have more leeway.
  15. I have no problem with speed cameras outside schools. If it saves one kid then it's worth it. Remember these are little individuals who don't always know or think about what's goping on around them. Typical thought process: "there goes ball, must get ball..." now speed cameras on multilane roads and freeways and Spit Hill is another matter all together...
  16. I was wondering if this would be a way to measure the efficiency. i.e. comparing bench vs. installed pressure drop (...at a constant/given pressure on the "in" side of the cooler). Or is temperature an easier way? I guess a BFO fan infront of the cooler on a dyno would be the way to go rather than on road.
  17. amazing, absolutely amazing
  18. Jeez take a pill guys. So what if some guy is in front of you? Last I looked Frank Williams was not recruiting at traffic lights. Granted there are plenty of nobs out there who lane split with a "unique" style, but is it worth raising your pulse over? Of course I am speaking from a rider's point of view. I rarely lane split and only do it once the traffic is stationary and there is plenty of room and only a few cars to pass. If I think it will put me in a better spot then I'll do it. I'll tell the same to the beak if I ever have to justify my actions.
  19. OK 7.30 at Chez Dundan it is then
  20. hmm another can of worms. Ignoring all other factors, if we consider that; Total Pressure=Dynamic ("moving")+Static pressure (not "moving") then I guess the air after the cooler must be going faster. How density affects this I don't know. I guess that's why the AFM is measuring mass as this is the constant.
  21. rev210, I would have thought that getting the air as cold as possible, i.e. dense, would overide how quickly the air gets through the pipe (let pressure differential get it there). As I understand it power is directly proportional to density of the charge. 1% more dense=1% more power.
  22. I guess what I'm really saying is that to get an accurate idea of the efficiency of an intercooler you would have to measure pressure drop both on the bench (no cooling air flow) and installed (with cooling air flow). For example: You bench test a cooler and get a 3 psi drop. This drop would be due to constriction of airflow. Then say, you test it "in situ"and get a 3 psi drop. This would indicate poor cooling. This is an extreme example I know. But from it we can see that you would want as big a split as possible between bench and installed. Any comments?
  23. Due to change of roster I'll have to go standby for the Skid pan Pete. I will probably know a week before if I can make it.
  24. If you order it at 10 you may receive it by midnight their service is like a 31 that handles...never gonna happen
  25. Density is a product of temperature and pressure. The whole idea of an intercooler is to remove heat from the air, making it more dense. My rough calculation is for every 1 degree drop in temp. there is a 0.1 psi decrease in pressure. If there's anyone out there who has done fluid dynamics recently (it was a while ago for me ) they may know better. In this thread Sydneykid had tested a 36 degree temp. drop across a cooler. This would result in a calculated 3.6 psi drop. Using 8 psi = 5% power then 3.6 psi would be a whole 4 kw (std RB25DET). Doesn't seem right. :uhh: Can someone enlighten me as to the relationship between density and power???
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