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    98' WC34 S2
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  1. Hello, Im changing the weather shields on my wagon and Im just looking to see if anyone has done this before that could shed some light on the process before i start pulling things apart. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Cheers!
  2. Ive just painted the corner strips, yet to do the doors. If i dont like them, could i strip the paint back with some turps or metho without damaging the factory paint?
  3. And thinking about also doing the chrome strip that goes around the car.
  4. Painted the grille of the last few days. I must say, i do very much prefer the matte black over the stock chrome ^_^
  5. Hey Gho5t, Your ride's looking awesome! Wheels are very flush and the eyelids look mad. I need to ask a question... Where in Perth did you manage to find the wheels?! Ive been wanting this style wheel for a few months now i cant seem to locate a source.There's no Varrstoen dealers here (Perth) and im trying avoid the ebay sales if i can.
  6. If someone can upload a torrent to their choosen site, send a link this way and break up the url with a few spaces. Also, maybe a magnet link?
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