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About meep

  • Birthday 29/01/1985

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    R32 GTS-4
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  1. Bump! Price drop $250
  2. i dissagree, i love Tina's (My R32) fat assss from 3/4, GTR do look better from the 3/4 tho... cuz of the flared front gards.. my 2c
  3. second that... so hot, phat and sexy
  4. After all of that Geoff is outta stock atm... damn.. 'Waiting'
  5. Really....? Where is the remote resivour located? Is that the bottle in the right rear gard?
  6. They are from a R32 RB20DET GTS-4, But i have been informed that the GTS-t, GTS-4 & GTR have all the same HICAS setup . R33, R34 Are diffrent because they are electronic.
  7. hey guys just thought i would post in the general discussion as i would like to buy a Lock bar today.. im rdy to rip out all the HICAS system, but all i need now is the lock bar.. if anyone has a number/knows a person that sells them could you please give me a buzz on 0411 026 599 Q: also is the GTR HICAS a diffrent size to the GTS-t HICAS, because if it is i have a GTS-4 a mungral mix of both GTR and GTS-t... any advice much appreciated. cheers, Pete
  8. sweet thanxs champ, where will i find the HICAS ECU?
  9. the one on the left is out of my GTS-4, which has HICAS and the one on the right is a KYB pump out of my mate's R32 GTS-t which also has HICAS.
  10. Here are two powersteering pumps for an R32 RB20DET What are the differances in the two? One is out of a GTS-4 the other for a GTS-t...
  11. OK..... i have a picture of the HICAS solenoid i hope the picture can make sense for me and all the other HICAS frenzie removalist out there.. after you join them you can freely remove the whole HICAS system?? (aslong as you have a lock bar of course) what do you think Sydneykid?
  12. here is a couple of pics that you can sort out to show us how to do the HICAS removal is done/fitted, cheers garry. -pete (p.s sorry for the 2mb of pics (for the people on dial-up) i'm drunk and cbf shrinkin the pics, l8r.)
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