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About TurboX

  • Birthday 01/04/1949

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Hume Weir Nth East VIC
  • Interests
    Turbo & Performance Cars, Radio Communications, Computers,

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  • Car(s)
    Starion Familia GTS4 Audi TT Now TTRS M6T AWD
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  1. Always seems like the right thing to do at the time..... but most of us seem to regret it later on by many peoples posts. I certainly do with the much modded GTS-4 out of all the cars I have sold including my Merc CLK AMG55, 996 Turbo Porsche, Bmw 6, but I have kept my most loved, 1969 AMC Javelin and 82 Mits Starion I have passed on to my son recently for his teen son. Will be keeping the Audi TTRS for a while though!
  2. Find my old R32 GTS-4 "TURB06" I put $50K+ into it - Although a RB20 it also had RB26 possibilities as per import VIN - lost track of it 15 years ago after selling for $11K in perfect condition... 😞 😞
  3. Sounds just like my RB20 that I eventually found the problem to. Unfortunately had to pull the engine and found that the back of the oil pump cover plate inside the engine had come loose somehow?? Hope that is not your problem.... Before you ask I dont remember what the oil pressure was reading at the time sorry.
  4. Just got a Password update so thought I would update my info. Now live in NE Vic. Along the Hume Weir and the roads are twisty and pretty good now that the potholes are mostly repaired. So having fun in the Audi TTRS where possible. Traded up from a Black 2.0ltr TT M6T to a Black 2.5 Ltr M6T AWD a few years ago. Awesome weapon and no cops look at me unlike the Skyline getting pulled over for license checks all the time! LOL. BTW I covered that exposed POD just in case of Plod, and does not suck hot air which is better for the 3 second tune.




  5. TurboX

    TurboX's Pix - Orig SAUVIC #55

    My HR32 Skyline GTS4 Mods and Mercedes CLK55 AMG - Wife Paulines Mazda Familia AWD Turbo - Sold & now BMW 328i Manual Convertible (needs Turbo!)
  6. Did not see a GOR run mentioned anytime during 2016 , was there one late 2015 or is that run off the agenda for some reason? I am not rejoining so would that be a problem anyway as I remember we used to do Members only and Open runs also.
  7. Still alive and living the dream in Portarlington, Wife bought a BMW 3 Series 328i Convertible Manual which we had to go to Gosford in NSW to get as it was the only Black Manual Convertible for sale in whole country at the time. Has some cosmetic details like new tail lights and BMW Angel eye headlights with BMW later model mags with Federal RS-RR's.

    Looks OK and goes OK but does handle near as well as my old R32 Skyline with trick suspension, and way better than the CLK55 AMG Mercedes.

    Got to get into the next GOR run with top down and video the action while wife drives. Hi to all who remember me......





  8. Great thread ActionDan, I enjoyed the time travel, glad you got "theOne" that you wanted. Some good info in here, just makes me miss my Skyine all the more, good luck with the 34 - I like it much more without the wing though!
  9. Too bad I just come back today after a few years so missed it. If anyone was there that remembers the old fart with the GTS4, Defected to the enemy:- I am still alive and trying to remember how to reassemble my old Mitsubishi Starion Turbo to maybe rejoin SAU http://turboclub.com/RTO/06100005/Default.htm
  10. Hi Ash, long time no rev. Anyone ever given any consideration to a limited membership that essentially gives Members-Only Forum Access and attendance at Events limited to viewer status or similar? I have sold my GTS4 years ago and moved to the country but would still like to support the club with a limited presence at a nominal cost. I suspect there are a many others that over the years have done similar but would still like to continue as members in a limited capacity. Or is it all too hard? Anyway, great to see its all still happening with you guy's, regards, Greg [orig. SAUVIC#55] Membership Fees: $70 for a new membership (12 months) $50 for a renewal (12 months from date of last expiry) If your membership has expired, you have 2 months to renew before your Members-Only Forum Access is removed.
  11. hii buddy my names Elie i recently bought a skyline n thought id do some research on it due to its high maintenance engine and happend to actually find that you previously owned this car i realised this because of the same front bar same engine mod and rims if your still online on skylines australia please get back to me on [email protected] i could send you a photo to confirm it haha

  12. Great Job Sam! I would bring the wifes Familia GTX if it was not clutchless this weekend on a hoist. Dont have the Black R32 GTS4 anymore as you might remember. I think the new owner Anton may have had you dyno it though after he did some work to it? Catch you around sometime, thanks for all the great work.... Regards, Greg.
  13. You could always build your own like I did for $1200 - for LOOKS!
  14. TurboX

    My New Car!

    Was it me that started this nasty trend? Sorry After all I was not able to drive the AMG in anger till after getting used to it, then realised it was not a patch on an old GTS4! A cruiser NOT a bruiser in the twisties. My new ride even more a barge but more a posuer... But it may be part MB..
  15. TurboX

    Tiger Woods Saga

    Just a quick question... how many of you people have a wife that has had two or more children? Yes some women ( does not matter how gorgeous) go on to have more than two, but each one after was a pretty lone shot by hubby I would bet. Put a dollar in the jar each time after you get married till the second is born, then take a dollar out each time you do it from then on with your wife. You will leave a great inheritance of dollars......... Maybe Tiger didnt want to leave a great inheritance as well....
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