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Everything posted by TurboX

  1. Guess I have to reply to my own post as no-one else looks like they are going to OK - since asking the question, I have come up with the ANSWER!! At virtually NO COST! Works like this -( I wont bother to patent this as it's just too obvious ) Drivers Mobile Phone (MUST be BlueTooth Enabled) Some ones Laptop -ANY - TurboClub Track Timer Assembly & Software - Donation to SAUVIC by TurboClub.com and City Notebook Centre - 8 Market St. Melbourne, www.CityNotebookCentre.com.au I will say I am going off a bit half cocked -so to speak, here - but the concept seems sound and the proof is not far away - stay tuned.
  2. Thanks Stace, will await confirmation.
  3. Did not see an answer to this in all the posts - but maybe I'm blind;-) GTS4 needs to have underbonnet fuse pulled as well as fuse in under dash box, at least in mine anyway. Does this unit cover this requirement?
  4. A few weeks ago Turbine and I did this mod as I had the GTR cams I bought from Ronin7 and two adjustable cam gears I had enginered from the originals for $300. We fitted the cams and had the same idling problem. Even setting them to 2000RPM would not have solved the problem. They sounded great though at 3-4K and strong. I think Turbine got a phone movie? Not sure. Anyway had to pull them out the week after to go to the SAUVIC show so the car would be drivable. Turbine says "oh well have to learn how to do it for the drag car" Guess who ended up with the GTR cams and Adj Pulleys?!! See my BLOG for more on this episode.
  5. You would think that in this day and age with so much electronic and computer WiFi stuff around cheap that it should not be to hard to come up with some ideas on how we could make this a reality. Anyone like to think about this as I am sure its not too hard...
  6. Hmm... GTR cams did not work too well in the RB20, maybe this will do the trick to make more than 106 rwkw ;-)
  7. How much RWHP is that lil RB20 making anyway to toast brocks 5 litre?? Ya gotta lovit, but wish there was a Starion in there somewhere as well.
  8. the Porsche choice should have been the 944 Turbo. ( or better, the 944 S4 plus aftermarket turbo;-)
  9. let me know when available also.
  10. Pretty sure there are bolts that come into it from the back of the flywheel - you must be able to get behind it by rotating each one to the bottom and reach in some how - good luck I am getting a proffessional to do mine next week.
  11. Dont suppose there is any way to arrange an email to go out the day before for those of us that cant remember back past 1969? ;-)
  12. DAMN! I am not sure that you should actually be allowed to own a Skyline
  13. Are you selling the airbox top that takes the AFM - I dont want the AFM just the box.
  14. ross, next time sit back and put your intent into clearer terms with reasonable grammar and I dont think you will escalate such a flame war. I knew where you were coming from but your choice of words did not help your cause. As to the above - go into your blog settings and make it closed to comments - I was having the same issue and that fixed the spammers.
  15. The K&N will get you more air flow.. The Pods will get you defect grief...
  16. Guys... When will you learn? A LOUD exhaust ALWAYS draws looks from anyone, let alone Cops who just want ANY excuse to pull your Skyline over. Just think how many times have you seen a Porsche Turbo or AMG Merc floored by some old fart (yes, like Me) and no one else in the street has noticed them crack well over the limit in a short burst. Those type of cars HAVE the power without the noise and a lot of them get pushed hard as well, but you NEVER see them pulled up. Think about it.... PS 1969 - pulled over 5 times for loud exhaust 1970 - Ditto 3 times 1971 - Few times 1972 - Married and wife explained the reason I was getting pulled up all the time.
  17. Hmm... 24 ports / bowls - $200/24= $8.33 each valve bowl and port to be spent Average Mechanic charges $75 - $120 P/Hr Say $100 = 60Min or $1.66 a Minute $8.33 / $1.66 = 5 Minutes for each port and bowl should get you a real bargain. If you live in the real world and go to someone like "The Head Stud" who have been doing this as a specialty for many years dont be surprised on the quote you will get. Unfortunately I cant quantify the gains I got from the extensive work they carried out -THEN the twenty hours of work I did my self to the chambers to unshroud the sunken valvesHERE if your interested One day we will probably fit this head to our drag car then maybe we can quote a actuall gain from all the work and expense but till then I probably have to agree head work is probably the last thing you should spend your money on.
  18. And there was all that spare parking space at the SAU BBQ on the same day!?! You guys are on here - why the fragmentation on the streets?? OK I know its spelt STAGEA not Skyline, - BUT?? I only ask cause it looks like Turbine (son) is gonna get one and I dont want to have to be trying to cover multiple meets on the same day.
  19. HEAT=Problem - Easy stuff first - remove coil packs and pull rubber boots off carefully check carbon tips that sit on plugs are OK - (mine were all corroded so I filed them all down to even them out ) and remove and change plugs. Also completely clean the coils and boots. Unlikely to be Crank angle sensor I think. Maybe Ignitor but change plugs first cause they probably have never been changed. Hope that helps..
  20. PLEASE - ONLY RB20DET - ANY Modifications allowed inc AWD/RWD Manual/Auto
  21. Getting right to the point of this post - THE AFM! DO this - IT WORKS More info :My Webpage
  22. Magnet is unlikely because its not ferrous - looks like brass from the broken edges of my key which is ready to break as well. Used it in the boot as well and felt it bend when turning it. I use it VERY carefully at moment - where can I get a new one BEFORE it breaks??
  23. While we all know where your coming from on this comment, I think it is a bit harsh on those out there among us that want a great Skyline but do not have the mechanical aptitude or the tools and time to do the work themselves. I pride myself on all the cars I have ever had because I have done 98% of all the modifications, service and repairs, but you have to draw the line when you dont have the specific skills required to accomplish the job properly and safely. Example is "MY" Intake Manifold. I did not build it because I have no knowledge of aluminium welding or the tools to do it and the experience to handle them as efficently as the experts I paid to do the job. BUT I did all the design work and running back and forth inbetween test fitting etc. until they built it exactly as I had specd after they stuffed up a few times. So is this manifold the product of the Owner of the building the Workshop leases it from where they have the equipment operated by the worker who does the welding at my direction or is it "mine"? My GTS4 is an AUTO, when it died I took it to a specialist who rebuilt it to handle 500HP with kevlar clutches, bearings, oil galleries etc etc, WHO could do this without years of experience. Would you do it your self? Would you do a Wheel Alignment, Regas your aircon, change your clutch, remove your engine to change the bearings? Not many of us would, or would want to if we could. And those that do are probably crazy!
  24. We would consider one around $500 but it want to be good and a low mount with clearance for a bigger comp cover than standard.
  25. Just to be a bit diferent :lol:
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