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  1. Ok, so if I plumb it back it the way it was it should go back to normal right?
  2. Hi all I recently took my a car to a track and noticed some unexpected boost issues SO -RB25DET + boltons inc turbo, external wastegate, plenum and more -Link 4g Extreme -Car was tuned 4 years ago, done 20000k, 10 track days or so -300KW -Boost 1.07 Bar -When I floor it on a 3rd boost spikes up to 1.2-1.3 and then dropps off to 0.65 or so -I originally had wastegate plumbed back into the exhaust, now I have it open I've checked peak boost with open wastegate on the street and it seemed fine but when I took it on a race track and car was properly loaded up (drifting) boost went higher My mechanics suggested that possibly could be a because car was tuned with wastegate plumbed into the exhaust and it has less pressure so it has a boost spike, boost comes back because link ECU would have some fail safe function to cut boost (or bring it to "safe" level once it a lot higher then it should Another posiblility boost curve needs to be checked What do you guys think?
  3. Funny how someone started this topic on Skyline forum. It's something I've noticed before. You never see a rotary guys or skyline guys starting similar topic on V8 forum or BMW M3 forum. Maybe because they really enjoy what they have. So there is no need to tell others that they are wrong about something.
  4. LOL bungy jumping is even more terrifying But is does not compare to a good car that feels like you expect it to This is a car forum not a scooter forum Nice troll attemt though Speaking of Korean cars, maybe 200kw feels scary in Korean car. It's beside the point, S15 feels like better quality car then BF Falcon. FG Falcon feels more like a modern car.
  5. I own S15 silvia with rb25det. Before looking into Silvias and Skylines I was thinking to buy a XR6T. I drove 3 different Falcons and they yeah, they are impressive cars when you compare them to its competition. They are better then 2005 Commondore SS, Toyota Camry Sportivo and such. You can easily make 300kw+ with basic mods, injectors, intercooler, tune. Big sedan is better daily driver. My question is how many of you buy/build modified turbo car so you can commute to work and drive 20k a year? If everyone was using such cars as daily, average miliage on your Skylines would have been 300-400k in 2015. The main thing fun cars offer is fun and a different experience. So I drove 3 Falcons and a number of JDM cars before making a decision. What I found was. 1. Skyline or Silvia with less power feels faster and more exciting then a Falcon. Lighter cars with more aggresive power curve always feel faster. In the same way as 300kw xr6t will feel faster then 300kw V8 2. You need to really push Falcon to get some excitement. Skyline, Silvia or WRX feel exciting on half a throttle. 3. Handling...........Falcon is closer to Camry then to any real sports car. In the past I thought handling is not important unless you on a racetrack. That's until I expirienced what good handling is. It feels fantastic even at 50km/h. Yes, it takes some effort to make 250-300 kw in a JDM car. But such car feels terrifying compared to many much more powerfull cars. After driving modified JDM car I was dissapointed in e46 M3 and in some other cars. Main problem was level of excitement. It is just not same.
  6. Ecu:Link 4g extreme Mods: Boltons to make 310 wheel kw inc, plenum, throttle body, fuel press reg. Basicaly everything you normally see on such set up, no short cuts I have tightened throttle cable a few weeks ago Changed throttle control sensor I have a noisy (ticking) idle control valve Can't think of any other relevant staff I wonder if idle control valve is starting to fail, I was told it will eventually fail since it is ticking
  7. Hi My car started doing something lately. When I stop at a lights my idle is about 1200 rpm (normaly 900rpm) while vacuum is higher then normal 0.72 onstead of 0.68. If I tap accelerator pedal once idle and vacuum goes back to normal. The confusing thing is why would vacuum increase when it suppose to decrease? Has anyone had similar thing happen? It that just a sticking accelerator pedal? RB25DET S2 Boltons 300kw Link G4 I also have noisy idle control valve if that tells you anything Car drives ok
  8. Thanks Gts30t. I was excpeting this is the case
  9. Thanks for answers. It was not just the smell but liquid as well. So I assume diaphragm is leeting fuel through. Do you guys think I should a new reg? I'm worried it might lean out under boost
  10. Hi everyone. If you take vacuum hose of fuel reg and smell petrol that's a fault fuel reg right? My question is will it only cause car running rich or will it also make car lean out under boost? Another thing, my fuel reg vac hose came off by itself. What can cause it
  11. Well I had them on 20 to start of with, then I changed them to 1 and it became much softer and more comfortable. I have heard that the softest setting is not necessarily the softest, but it looks like it depends on many factors
  12. It is a S15 Silvia with RB25DET and R33 gearbox. 8kg fr 6 kg r on softest setting. It has camber and toe arms and it doesn't have much camber. It holds up if I floor it from a rolling start on a motorway in 2nd, but it will lose traction on back roads or where tarmac is not as good
  13. ^^ Good point. I'm running BC BR on the softest setting and 265 T1R at back and it is still not enough. I'm getting stickier tires once these wear out. I like having BC's as I'm into drifting. But they are the reason I haven't tried a quarter mile yet. I know my 60 foot time is not going to be pretty unless I have NT05's and even then.
  14. I've always felt that Evo/WRX STi with minor mods (exhaust+boost controller) feel like they accelerate harder then similar modded Skylines and Silvias. They also feel sharper around corners, but ultimately 4WD becomes boring as it feels too clinical. I also find it easier to have a relaxing drive in a skyline or even S15 then in an EVO. Now 300 KW turbo rwd + coilovers is a different story. My ass dyno goes off the scale when I drive car like that. It can properly scare you as you keep wondering if you will still have traction after a second or two. With minor suspension mods Skyline feels sharp enough around corners. + You can take your car to drift track days. I've never been in a 300kw Evo, but I believe it will feel faster in a straight line then 300kw Skyline. Shorter gear ratios, more traction, more off/on boost feel. I doubt it will be as exciting for as long though. Bottom line. If I want results in drag/time attack (I'm assuming you are not racing on the road) I'd go EVO and save for clutches and gearboxes. If I want to have more exciting and overall more pleasant drive I'd get a Skyline and save for tyres I believe that butt dyno and smiles/km is a big factor when it comes to tuned turbo cars. We are in it for fun and death defying / edge of space experiences (on a track hopefully). So yeah, I guess it depends what is more fun for you
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