im only vishes when im racing...otherwise i drive like ur average volvo driver
well next time say hi
most ppl beep at me and im like 'wtf am i doing wrong!!!' when they're only saying hi
when ur at the end of 2nd and the other car isnt gaining on you, then the race is over...if both cars are neck to neck..then 3rd gear would put u at 400m...basically u'll know when u've won or lost
Yep...putting ur blinker on means decisive win...
in a 2 car drag...the left car puts his left indicator on to signal the left car had won....and vice versa for the right car
speaking from experience Franks?? HHAhahaha.. i've said before...big HP doesnt necessarily equates to fast car....a lot of factors come into play like driver skills, weight, drivetrain, suspension, fuel, cooling etc...
hahaha..yeah they all do that...dont know why though.....
the other week, this Civic VtiR wanted to have a go at me...after 2 red lights i decided to humiliate him. Launched at 2500 and was already half a car in front...turned my head and grinned at him while his car started moving!!! slapped into 2nd and turned the indicators on!!! LOL!!!! after i backed off...he sped past me and never looked back! heheheh
hehehhe...Yang man...u gotta stop this far you've half fried your clutch for a 1st-2nd gear drag.......i dont want you to break anything else