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Everything posted by NoFX_Hardcore

  1. LOL you can also get something from supercheap. I'll confirm it tomorrow but its in a 5L tin, costs about 30 bucks. Forget what it's called.
  2. Hello there haha. Yeah I checked it on the weekend and it's a 3 pin... Just wondering whether the harness that nengun sell is all I would need...
  3. I have 19's, they are 9.5 wide 275 tyres +20 offset. Sit perfectly in the guards at the rear but scrubs out on the front coz I have coilovers which I've lowered. Just needs a slight guard rolling. Will fit easily.
  4. I honestly think it looks alright. Nice looking kit and if it happens to have similar styling to the gtr then why are y'all bagging it saying it looks ugly when you all love the gtr? Sounds like jealousy
  5. Oh will have to try that one next time. As for the tyre shine, it still looks great now after driving around for the night so maybe its just with different tyre shines. I only used a fairly no name brand one? And not the foamy one lol.
  6. Not sure if this has been asked but I don't have time to read through 21 pages so... Can the 3 or 5 pin harness for the boost reading work on any pfc or just the d-jetro? Also, what else do I need to hook it up apart from this harness? Vacuum hose etc??
  7. LOL I just gave it a good hose down, then wiped over everything with warm soapy water, then wiped it down again with an old (clean) rag, and then used some tyre shine on the black rubber parts, then let it dry for an hour or so... If you look close enough, the IC piping and strut brace still need a good polish but that can wait til later on.
  8. Tried a secret new way of detailing engine bay. I think it came up pretty amazing. Love a nice clean car p.s awesome colour & wheel choice player_hater.
  9. Well obviously you can since you claim to own an R33 GTR... Unless you're only 12 years old and "car/s" means "cars you hope mummy and daddy will buy you one day" you tool. And before you say "I do own a gtr and its only driven on weekends" etc... What's the point in owning a car like that if you never drive it? I can justify 100$ per week on fuel because I earn enough and only own one car. I appreciate my car more than you ever would and I show it by driving it and maintaining it. Get a life and let the man sell his car. If you don't wanna buy it, don't post in here and I shall do the same.
  10. Still got the front bar? What power did it make on the dyno at this level, without the fuel pumps etc?? Injectors seem a bit small for 600hp...
  11. I also couldn't confirm how much mucking around but I have a 32 gtr with a r34 master cylinder... Here's a pic of my engine bay... sorry bout the smallish pic but its best I got atm. can take more on the weekend if anyone wants.
  12. Thanks. That helps heaps. I think I'll try to find the Motul 8100 5w40. If they don't have that I'll go royal purple 10w40. Let ya's know how the car goes with this oil. EDIT: slidetaker, engine bearings are all new acl items. engine was completely rebuilt from top to bottom so it should be in pretty good nick down there.
  13. Japanese modifiers are all about "over board" lol. Engine bay looks awesome with the twin high mounts. Would be awesome if it wasn't so hard/costly to import modified cars.
  14. What do you guys reckon I should use for my r32 gtr... Car has been rebuilt with forgies less than 25000kms ago so is still a fairly new engine. I'm thinking of using royal purple but was wondering whether i should go 5w30 or 10w40? I wanted something like 5w40??? Thought 30 might be too thin...
  15. How do you register a personal import? What's the difference between that and importing the "normal" way lol... I'm in QLD so I'm sure it wouldn't be as hard as nsw or victoria...
  16. http://translate.google.com.au/translate?u...en&ie=UTF-8 All I can say is.... WOW. EDIT: sorry link doesn't work. For some reason it never does. Here it is anyway.... (Gotta kinda read through the language barrier but basically its nuts. Pushing 680ps) The 20-year engine from March 24 to April 13 (44871 KM), O / H here. O/H実施後慣らし運転コミで500KMです。 O / H after running-in Komi 500 KM. エンジン系 Engine system NISMO GTブロック(RRR) NISMO GT block (RRR) HKS 86鍛造ピストンSTEP2ニッケルメッキ東名 H断面コンロット HKS 86 H Tomei forging cross-section of nickel-plated piston STEP2 KONROTTO NISMO コンロットメタル NISMO KONROTTOMETARU NISMO クランクメタル純正バランス取りクランクシャフト東名 強化OILポンプ東名 280カムシャフト(11.5mm) NISMO metal crank crankshaft take genuine balance Tomei strengthen OIL pump camshaft 280 Tomei (11.5 mm) HKS スライドカムスプロケット HKS SURAIDOKAMUSUPUROKETTO NISMO 強化タイミングベルト NISMO reinforced timing belt HKS GT3037S(56T A/R0.61) HKS GT3037S (56T A/R0.61) HKS GTウエストゲートヘット ポート研磨・バルブシートカット・カム山逃げ加工リン青銅バルブガイド東名 メタルガスケットt=1.2mm HKS GT UESUTOGETOHETTO port BARUBUSHITOKATTO polishing process phosphor bronze relief valve cam mountain guide Tomei METARUGASUKETTO t = 1.2mm 東名 強化バルブスプリングSet(TYPE-B) Tomei valve spring strengthen Set (TYPE-B) 東名 バルブリフター東名 カムスタットボルト東名 スタット式シリンダーヘットボルト Tomei valve lifter Tomei KAMUSUTATTOBORUTO Tomei stat ceremony SHIRINDAHETTOBORUTO RH9 ATIクランクダンパープーリー RH9 ATI KURANKUDANPAPURI N1用 ウォーターポンプビリオン ローテンプサーモスタット(71℃ハイフロー) N1 UOTAPONPUBIRION for ROTENPUSAMOSUTATTO (71 ℃ high flow) NGK レーシングプラグ10番ヘットカバーメッキ加工 NGK RESHINGUPURAGU finishing 10th HETTOKABAMEKKI 燃料関係 Fuel relationship GTR 純正フューエルポンプ×2 GTR genuine fuel pump × 2 フューエルデリバリーパイプ FYUERUDERIBARIPAIPU 880cc フューエルインジェクターフューエルコレクタータンク KANSAI作成 KANSAI create FYUERUINJEKUTAFYUERUKOREKUTATANKU 880cc 吸・排気関係 Inhalation of exhaust relations Kansai ワンオフ作成サクションパイプ・チャンバーパイプ・アルミエアダクト Kansai WANOFU create suction pipe CHANBAPAIPU ARUMIEADAKUTO HKS スーパードラッガーマフラー HKS SUPADORAGGAMAFURA APEX ECV APEX ECV 冷却関係 Relations cooled TRUST 4層式インタークーラーアルミ3層ラジエター TRUST 4 INTAKURAARUMI three-tiered layer radiator HKS OILクーラー Cooler HKS OIL 駆動関係 Relationship-driven HKS ドグ6速M/T DOGU HKS 6-speed M / T ATS カーボントリプルプレートクラッチ ATS KABONTORIPURUPURETOKURATCHI CUSCO Rr LSD CUSCO Rr LSD TRUST 大容量デフカバー TRUST large DEf*kABA サスペンション系 Suspension system HKS ハイパーMAXダンパーPro(KANSAIオリジナルセッティング) MAX damper HKS Hyper Pro (KANSAI original setting.) ハイパコスプリング F=ID65 8インチ 14.3K R=ID65 10インチ 12.5K F = ID65 8 inches HAIPAKOSUPURINGU 14.3K R = ID65 10 inches 12.5K CUSCO 調整式リアアッパーマーク CUSCO adjustable RIAAPPAMAKU CUSCO フロントネガティブアッパーアーム CUSCO FURONTONEGATIBUAPPAAMU Kansai ロールセンターアジャスター Kansai RORUSENTAAJASUTA Kansai ロングタイロットエンドリアロアアームピロブッシュリアアッパーアーム(前・後)ピロブッシュ Long Kansai lot ENDORIAROAAMUPIROBUSSHURIAAPPAAMU Thailand (after) Bush Pirro CUSCO ドラッグロット CUSCO lot drag Kansai ピロテンションロット Kansai PIROTENSHONROTTO ブレーキ関係 Brakes relationship brembo F50 フロントブレーキKIT(370ローター) brembo F50 front brake KIT (370 rotor) brembo F360 リアブレーキKIT  (343ローター) brembo F360 rear brake KIT (343 rotor) プロジェクトμ (F)777 (R)999ブレーキパットオートセレクト 大容量ブレーキマスター緑整備 ブレーキダクト Project μ (F) 777 ® 999 BUREKIPATTOOTOSEREKUTO large green maintenance brake master brake ducts 電子パーツ Electronic Parts HKS EVCブーストコントローラー HKS EVC BUSUTOKONTORORA HKS F-CON V-PRO HKS F-CON V-PRO Kansai ETSコントローラー Kansai ETS Controllers HKS サーキットアタックカウンター HKS SAKITTOATAKKUKAUNTA SARD パワーバンドインジゲーターHKS ブースト・水温・油温 メーター SARD PAWABANDOINJIGETA HKS boost oil temperature gauge その他 Other Kansai カーボンフロントアンダーカバー Kansai KABONFURONTOANDAKABA Kansai 牽引フック He led the Kansai Kansai ハイパーミラーカーボンケブラーGTウイングトランク加工 Kansai GT wing trunk processing HAIPAMIRAKABONKEBURA RAYS TE37 18-9.5J ゴールド塗装 Gold-painted RAYS TE37 18-9.5J ADVAN A048 265/35-18 (MH) ADVAN A048 265/35-18 (MH) RECARO SP-G RECARO SP-G RECARO SRⅡ RECARO SR Ⅱ Kansai リフレッシュバー Kansai RIFURESSHUBA Kansai フロントタワーバーカロッツエリア 楽ナビ HDD Kansai FURONTOTAWABAKAROTTSUERIA easy HDD Links HIDヘットライトNISMO フルスケールメーター(ホワイト) Het NISMO FURUSUKERUMETA HID light (white)
  17. I can afford to run my GTR as a daily driver mate so bring on $2/L. How does that make his car not worth its market value? Try and import a good Autech stagea for under 30k and then make it push out 500hp and see if you can do it for less than 50k. If you don't think its worth the money then that's your opinion but why try to ruin his thread? It's wankers like you that ruin sites like these. Post your useless shit elsewhere. GL with your sale RBNT. Alot of people still appreciate cars no matter what fuel costs.
  18. Saw this car driving around the other day. Sounds unreal and looks very tidy. GL with ya sale mate.
  19. What the...^^ The boot looks so out of place on that......thing.
  20. Trouble is i then need a VIN to go into nissan or mitsubishi to buy them and then they might not be the right ones... Really getting desperate to find some good studs i'm actually considering just going with the arp studs for $11 each................
  21. Still no luck with this guys. Any companies that you know might sell ARP wheel studs or something similar... Or if you know of a vehicle that has the same studs as the gtr except longer................... (also posted in tyres section)
  22. Jesus that's a tidy R33!!! GL with selling your lover.
  23. Hey guys, I am chasing some wheel studs for a R32 GTR. Must be longer than the factory ones and my mechanic reckons around 50mm I think and they are 1.25 thread pitch. Anyone got any ideas where to get some from that AREN'T $11 per stud. Perhaps another vehicle uses these studs that I can use??? Cheers, Chris.
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