hey guys,
for the past 2 days, ive been cleaning some big mess of wires under the carpet and seats of my car.
guess at one point it had some major audio system on it and the owner never botherd to clean up, so i come & try to install a head unit with some rear speakers and i had to deal with a whole shitload of lose/cut wires!
i started it finaly after a few cranks "which is odd" but didnt think of it,i take it out and went for dinner, everything is ok as usual.
later on on my way to home, it almost stalled,the car doesnt have the same power at all and its sound changed to poping and metel-like rumbling.. barf!!
parked it home, turned it off and on again, still the same..
i checked the i/c piping,nothing! :confused:
here is a video, sorry its realy bad, but u could still hear it
it is stock by the way only an intake & a cat-back "and been runing rich like a MOFO!!:bonk: "
any ideas?
thanx guys,,