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[[d a n n y]]

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Everything posted by [[d a n n y]]

  1. Howdy...all..of yaz... my rear speakers on my 32 aint working.. i got the auto electric guy to check it all out..but he said..it was all connected.. do u guyz have any idea of a possible problem? i am starting to run out of ideas.. i have connected a nother set of speakers disconnecting the original 1 but it doesnt work too
  2. i would love it if it went this week as i have bills to pay off..*sigh...*
  3. Yo YO i'llb there... any meet up or anything? or just get there by urself?
  4. hEre R sum pics make and offer people.. :rave:
  5. hm..cant wait till wednesday..
  6. ok no worries done mate... pics coming up this arvo
  7. lol cool 6-7G's ey... nice i will try on wednesday..and see what happens
  8. oh..ok...hm....damn.. dont wanna break that... hey so what do u recomend that i launch at?
  9. lol thats really great to hear.. new clutch.... :boohoo:
  10. I AM IN FOR THIS.. what is requiered to bring?
  11. bump bump must sell finacal problem will take offers too
  12. For the TWO?
  13. hm...so i should b expecting the 13's mark. or if i'm, a good driver then high 12's? is possible?
  14. Hey u guyz.. i am planing to hit WSID soon...and will like to know what times 32 GTR's pull on the straight? bone stock? also...what is the average time for an 32GTR with Exhast and Filter mod and highflow cat? much help will b appreciated.. thanks in advance
  15. shiit that's bad.. i guess no BOV ey.. good luck with the sales mate
  16. u got any BOV's? aftermarket?
  17. PM sent about the BOV's
  18. Hi there i got a Apexi 5" Tacho for sale EL back lit. Black FACE.. i am in sydney.. looking for around 300
  19. ssq? the two of em? how much u looking for? where u located?
  20. Hey all i am in need of a after market BOV for my GTR plz tell me any1 if u have any preferably HKS i am located in sydney.. thanks in advance
  21. HEy i am intrestd. i think the 1 i need for my car is H3C? i think it was for R32 GTR
  22. has any1 changed there stock BOV by them selves? on a GTR 32? if u have plz post here.. as i would like to do it too plz
  23. MATTR intrested in your rear pods..
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