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Everything posted by VL-TRBO-RB20

  1. yeah i wanna give them a fine for breaking the law!!! i wonder if you can do a citizens booking u kno like a citizens arrest?!
  2. dam str8! mayb but its good to have victoria back!
  3. very nice.. we got some gaylord bowling at the casino
  4. yeah he loves it being randomly raped by cops.. to bad man yeah they love it when i used to live near shepp they used to come from melb all the time i thot i was screwed but they just said they couldnt see my p threw my back window n n gave me a warning! so that was ok
  5. but it doesnt matter that the chicks are dumb as long as they look good in a short skirt! but yeah it gives me the shits when dudes buy lancers or excels and think they are the sh!t and they have the hugest wings on them.. its like dude excels arnt fast, do u really think u can win?
  6. thats right, but it sucks when your under the limit and then when u go to drive the alkohol creeps back up to ya! so ur screwed without realising it, a friends sister got done for that a few months back...
  7. meisei sound good to me when i import im going to go threw them... www.meisei.com.au they're a brokers not an import showroom
  8. well vic comes and goes today!! up for 2 mins then in a flash we're gone!
  9. hahaha probly all i have to say about this is... Wah Talalu Mahal!!
  10. mine started when i bought my VL because i was a V8 fan n all of that but i went for a spin in my m8s soarer TT n i fell in love with turbo's then i took my vl for a spin i couldnt afford a skyline so i got the closest thing to it, now imports all the way babY!
  11. u lucky son of a bit... i mean enjoy your time taming those school girls!
  12. well done hope it all goes well...
  13. yeah all key-ers should die a slow horrible death my mate and the guy who he was living with got their cars keyed... die die die! thats what i say! also die to people who run into you and dont want to pay up!
  14. yeah good luck with the letter bro!
  15. yeah man that really sucks... hope he pays up tho.. the dude who ran into me said he'd pay on the night then when i tried to get $1000 outta him he was being a dodgy person that he is... told me all this crap about some panel beater
  16. thats screwed i kno what its like not to have a dad and also know what its like to nearly loose my mum to a car accident, its not cool at all... i hope he is okay!
  17. sweet ill be there!! wait i cant drive my car damn gear box!!!
  18. yeah c'mon we need to be able to read the orginal post to make a comment
  19. will these things be available for long? because in a month ill be keen as musterd
  20. if i had that much spare money id make a purchise...
  21. if i lived in canberra (i was born there tho!!) and owned a skylines id be down! haha
  22. thats a pretty nice looking sticker where can i get one from?
  23. i think we have a winner!!!
  24. sorry this panel beaters not in the area you want but i just want to say that Refinish in hoppers crossing suck dogs C0ck my paints a fkn different colour n they painted over a sticker dodgy b@asterds!! i should of went to amex in heidelberg!!!
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