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Everything posted by arm85

  1. Good desicion mate, I bought myself a '93 R33 bout a month ago and it was the best desicion i have made, the best advise I or anyone can give you is read as much as you can on the model you want, inspect as many cars as you can and ask many questions, sooner or later you will learn to spot a good car froma lemon, good luck mate and happy hunting!
  2. yeah id be interested they look sweet!!
  3. From all accounts these things are pretty good on house carpets so i would say they they would work a treat, i work at a supermarket and everyone that returns them say they work wonders. Our ones are $28 for 24 hours though.
  4. arm85

    arm85's Gallery

    My Personal Gallery
  5. Thanks guys i dont think ill be licking it to get it off, yeah i just soaked it with the nozzle of the hose and it came off fairly easy in the end, but u can see where it was i will have to rewax over that area tomorrow, the reason why i asked on here before washing first is i figure seeing it first at 12 i figured another 20 mins couldnt do anymore damage, while i asked on here, but if i stuffer it up it would be worse anyway thanks
  6. There are about 5 R33's in town an a couple of 32's and a 34 which i have only seen twice. But mostly bogan cars around this area, they are alright its the mllion lancers and excels with their stickers, neons and big exhaust which are the biggest pain in the arse, if i didnt care about my licence i would show them what a real car can do. Yeah i bought it with a bleed valve i meant not an ebc, it also has a Brass button clutch which has made it interesting to lget used to seeing my last ride was a 1976 Chrysler Lancer. Also anyone know what the widest tyres on the rear you can have at the moment mine are 265/35/18 is that alright, the fronts are 235/40/18, wheels are 18X9 all round. Thanks guys and i will keep safe dont worry!!
  7. Hey guys well finally after years of drooling over them, i bought my first skyline a '93 R33, probably wasnt the easiest purchase to manage living in the country and buying a car privately in sydney but it was worth it in the end. Currently just has a 3 inch cat back exhaust, a boost controller and the rims, but more mods are planned soon when the cash is available. So what do you all think?? Also any advice on the next mods? But i have to say there are some advantages of living in the country, full comp insurance with JCI was $2620 for a 19 yr old with no accidents but i guess the 30% nci helped. Here are some pics.
  8. Guys i need help just walked out to my car to see birds or maybe just one have crapped on my car in numerous spots. Whats the best way to clean this off any help guys? URGENT
  9. Haha now that the thread has been brought back yeah im from wagga too, and the skyline is on its way.
  10. yeah i think this is serious as JCI are offering as i saw on their website the other day and they the same company. Go here they have an article and link about it: http://www.justcarinsurance.com.au/ Adam
  11. Hey mate nice car, in regards to the 400R front bar would that be fitted with the price staying the same or would the price increase? thanks.
  12. yeah mate would like pics also to [email protected]
  13. hey all, just wondering if anyone could reccomend any dealers in sydney or thereabouts, im looking to buy a series 1 or 2 r33 and cause i live in the country i think i might have to buy from a dealer to save lots of hassle, although spend more. anyone know of any good dealers that have plenty of skylines and that i may be able to bargain with a bit, the only other way i can see myself buying a car is paying someone to look at privately adverised ones for me, to save the 10 hour round trip to syd everytime i want to check one out, thanks any help would be appreciated, adam
  14. In the last couple of days my opinions of the one passenger rule have changed at first, as i stated in my first post i was totally against it but since then have been in the car with a couple of my mates when i wasnt driving, which is not very often and experienced the effect of the passengers 'egging' the driver on and some of the things they were telling him to do made me scared... and this was in an excel!! imagine if they were in a high powered car!! so now i do believe some drivers not all, because i think that some of us under 21's myself included drive more sensibly with others in the car, should have a passenger restriction inflicted on them, maybe shell's idea of restricting drivers who have been caught is the best one!!
  15. As an under 21 i would be against the legislation about carrying more then 1 passenger and the curfew, but can see where the govt. is coming from with the power to weight ratio, that doesnt mean i agree with it just that, in some way what they are saying is true, but i dont believe they should ban us from driving high powered vehicles. A better suggestion and 1 that i would hope most people would agree with is making it mandatory for provisional licence holders who drive high powered cars, ( if not all P platers) to undetake some type of advanced driver training, i mean defensive driving at least if not specifically high performance courses, this would mean anyone who wanted to drive a high powered car could, if they take the effort to learn how to do it right. This is for all high powered car drivers not just imports, because i think we all know that young blokes in souped up commies and fords are just as if not more dangerous then us. anyways thats just my 2c
  16. haha id say 90% of wagga wouldnt know what it was, i now i was with a big group of people last night and only one of knew what it was, the rest were like whats so good about that?? thats a punishable offence isnt it?
  17. Spotted r34 with nsw plates cant rember exactly stopped at the lights of the highway in my home town of WAGGA WAGGA i nearly shit myself an r34 in wagga if i wasnt half pissed at the time would have trie to get the bloke to stop and chat, i reckon he would thought i was trying to mug him if i did. does this mean i can call wagga a real city now we have an r34??
  18. should learn to think before i type, found the site has some good stuff on it thanks
  19. cool thanks for the advice guys, really want to get one soon now, suppose i should settle a bit and make sure i dont get a lemon though but thanks again
  20. So u reckon buy private from melbourne,what would be the best way to do this just grab a melb. paper like the herald and look through the classifieds and search this site or would there be a quicker way?? thanks again for your help sorry if the answers seem obvious
  21. prob at the moment anything from 17k down, that would mean i could get its as soon as possible, obviously if i can get something cheaper say a cheap stock example, i would be happy then i could spend some money on some mods.
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