Well we arent in stage 3 yet... you can still use a High Pressure at home.. or if you like... go to carlovers and wash.. come home.. wipe over with microfibre to remove any dust that may have landed on your car in the short drive home... Start waxing.. or you can take your wax with you if its one that can be applied in the sun
If you want a quick easy polish/protectant.. Turtle Wax ICE seems to do the job.. Nice and easy to apply and remove.. Shines like a mofo and hides swirls, Can be used on taillights, rubbers, headlights and also clear coat safe.. can be used in DIRECT SUNLIGHT!
Ive got a whole garage full of various products for detailing.. Do family/friends cars as well.. I enjoy making a car shine like it should
Meguairs NXT seems good too.. and Mothers 3 step system... (more for a car thats had no loving in a while)