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Everything posted by MotoMan

  1. Just trying to track down a R34 GTT Side Mount Intercooler... Prefer pickup in Melbourne.. Thanks in advance MotoMan
  2. Also means you cant rotate your wheels for maximum tyre life
  3. 2litre.... try 1.8 mate Once it hits lift the crap may just blow off.. but getting above 6K rpm may be hard with all that on
  4. Just go buy a switch from DSE.. If the neons don't already have one.. Then grab power from somewhere like behind the cigarette lighter Wire it up so the ground is always connected and add a switch on the possitive side of things.. I did this in my old corolla sportivo.. worked a charm and looked great at night P.s. Remember.. Under body neons are a no-no and make baby jesus cry
  5. all about supply and demand my son.. alot of R32 owners realise that the R33 box is superior to there R32 boxes so they are always a sought after item.. If no-one wanted them, the price would fall
  6. well that was misleading...
  7. Mate just grab a yellowpages and look for a gearbox place... The only recommendations you are going to get are from people who have actually had their gearbox fixed... and it doesnt seem like many people even bother
  8. Very nice Mr Crust.. Rims were next on my mods list... but i dont know now.. Rims or Full turbo back exhaust.. (including batmbls Dump/front pipe and high flow cat) decisions decisions p.s. What side skirts are they crust?
  9. Cant recommend a shop but can tell you that it will be around $1200-1500 I got a quote for 1st 2nd and 4th gear syncros plus bearings and seals... I have notchiness into second and crunch into 4th above 4000rpm.. So i took the punt on some Redline Lightweight Shockproof.. After one day its much much much better already.. Will still get the gearbox done in around 6 months though
  10. Dude thats easy... The japanese all meetup and drift in abandoned parking lots.. Then they drive really fast on the street and if you can go faster than 180 the cops wont chase... Yes i learn everything from fast n furious movies
  11. Interested in what you end up with.. as im chasing similar power levels... PFC may not be an option due to the issues with an ALSD.. Have you sorted that out yet paulr33?
  12. awesome idea man... once it really gets going it will be great
  13. This is a stupid poll... They dont race there due to lack of race tracks.. They do it to impress the 16year old maccas chicks.. and to rub it in the po-po's face.. Stupid Bogan wankers
  14. He is a scammer... banned the other day i believe
  15. $40 on the side indicators right here... possible to pick them up tonight?
  16. A bit worried.. of course you should be... CAN ANYONE SAY SCAM!?? FFS if its too good to be true it usually is.. Facts: * He joined and posted within 10 minutes * He has said 4 different people can have it * Has given his bank details to 3 different people * Has been reading this thread but not replied Dont send any money... !
  17. AHEM! " Joined: Today, 05:05 PM" posted for sale at 5:14pm
  18. Still looking.. Prefer pickup in melbourne
  19. " Joined: Today, 05:05 PM" posted for sale at 5:14pm I wouldnt go depositing money anywhere... Sorry if its legit..
  20. Preston (melbourne) Autobarn sells motul oils... including Gear 300
  21. You know the part surrounding the stereo/climate control/steering wheel Thanks in advance, MotoMan
  22. hahahaha That pretty much sums up all skylines yes?
  23. Curse ME! I have the issue now... 3rd-4th Damn Karma!
  24. ahhh sweet... would be better to list that on their site...
  25. Just did mine on christmas eve.. took roughly 3.6lts and smelt sooooo bad
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