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Everything posted by YO880

  1. Inark, PM sent, hope i havn't missed the boat?!
  2. do you have the charcoal cannister and hoses?
  3. wow, you are a champion! just what i needed! thanks.. it looks about right (just hope the splines meet up, i have been told they will)
  4. Hi Guys, i am looking at buying a tailshaft to be used to make a custom shaft between the R31 manual box i have and my 240K differential.. The one i am looking at (which is actually from an R32 manual), is only one half of the full shaft, it has a spline at one end (with a uni joint), and what li think is called the centre bearing on the other.. i just want to check that i am getting the right half! anyone got a picture, or does this sound right?
  5. hi mate, do you have all the emmisions gear, charcoal cannister etc.. pm me with a price.. Kent
  6. 16hrs to go, and it is only up to $820..
  7. i will take the pair, pm me your details
  8. Hi Guys, i just picked up an RB20DET NICS engine and box from i think an R31 GTS-X.. does anyone know how strong these gearbox's are? are they the same as the R32 box (or weaker).. it also came missing the starter motor, can an R32 gtst one be used? also can anyone post some detailed pictures of the engine bay from an NICS equiped car, it will help greatly in figuring out where everything goes.. also, i got 2 computers with the engine, one is the ECU, the other is unmarked, but it has 2 connector holes, and a window on top with 7 LED's i can't seem to find any plugs that matched (though the wiring loom had been adapted to use an aftermarket ecu).. What is this thing?? thanks Kent
  9. still got anything on this left?
  10. Please don't chat in this section, post general questions in the relevent section.. you leave the ETS on the auto mode, this acts like a standard GTR, if you don't want 4wd, you turn the controller on (off auto), and set it to 2wd..
  11. do you still have the surge tank and fp reg?
  12. don't suppose you still have the surge tank and fittings? what size is it?
  13. Hi Guys, just got an RB20DET NICS engine which is going into the 240k as a temporary measure while the RB30 is built up.. the car will most likely be engineered with the RB20DET NICS engine, so i need to find the emmisions gear to go with it. I have an engine manual for the R32 RB20DET, but obviously NICS and ECCS is different.. can anyone tell me what emmisions gear i will need? and if anyone has any pictures, engine diagrams, wiring diagrams, engine manuals for the R31 import can you please please let me know!!! Thanks Kent
  14. Hi Guys, looking for all the emmisions gear for an RB20DET NICS engine (out of an R31 2 door) stuff like the charcoal cannister etc.. Thanks Kent
  15. awesome, got it in this afternoon, all running well!! thanks for your help!
  16. yep, it is a little pill that you fit into the oil gallery on the block (you have to take the head off), this reduces the oil by about a 1/4 (1.5mm from 2mm) http://www.tomei-p.co.jp/_2003web-catalogu...l-lub_rset.html
  17. that makes sense (i assume you mean black, as per colour, which is the left hand side nozzle again, thankyou!!!
  18. thanks Michael, much appreciated, it will all make things go smoothly i am sure!! hmm bizzare, there are 8 wires going into the connector (all accounted for), then the two wires.. yet the cables don't come out the other end.. i guess they arn't used then, will give that a go.. Thanks Kent
  19. are you going to sell the emmisions gear? like charcoal canister and lines etc?
  20. Okay, this is a little hard to explain, so i drew a crappy picture white = ? brown = ? Then there are the two wires that obviously are red = Power (Acc?) black = Negative any help on the white and brown would be great, as would the photos of the stepper motor and it's connections i will get an actual photo posted very soon
  21. that would be fantastic, i will double check the wiring loom but i though there was around 6 or so wires.. i will get the colours and post them up, if anyone can match them it would be appreciated, hoping to get it in tommorow afternoon
  22. Back on the market, as sale fell through (if you don't have the money, please don't waste my time!) have listed it on ebay, http://cgi.ebay.com.au/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vi...=ADME:B:LC:AU:1
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