Here is a Nissan Patrol I tuned, actually I had alot to do with this one, the previous tuner could not get the tune right so it needed some GT loving, i found alot of problems with the car that i got them to change etc etc
676hp at wheels on 1.3 bar. The gearbox lasted about 5 minutes on first test run, but the replacement box seems to be holding up okay now.
Its a Nissan TB48DE, its got some mild cams in it, stock head.. forgies and rods, 1000cc injectors, Motec M600, it sounds like a stock standard Nissan Patrol untill the boost comes on, there are 2 big external wastegates in the exhaust with small springs on them, so when the car comes on boost the wastegates open and bang no back pressure to make the power, its pretty cool they dont like loud cars here because the police give out fines etc etc...
The engines have VCT exactly like the RB25, and they are pretty similar to tune like a RB25 except they love ignition timing, such big bore and stroke makes a world of difference.
Some more pics
More to come soon