I took some logs of the street races and i am pretty embaressed to say that i totally botched the race with that torana... i stuffed up hardcore.
I got some data together, i did forget to set the ecu to log SPEED as well so i got the data that was logged and set it up into a excel spread sheet.
You can see that the stupid anti lag did not spool as fast for some reason, i think i was too slow on the throttle and i dropped the clutch at 3100rpm when racing that Torana Drag car compared to when i raced the Datto 1200 ute i dropped it at 6100rpm+.
So yeah here is the screen shot and the xl spreadsheet if anyone is interested in checking it out. I cannot say that i would have beaten the Torana if i launched properly because its best quarter is a 8.7 second quarter mile but I can say things may have been different. I guess its all a big learning curve and i know now what NOT to do next time.
Anyways if anyone can give me some ideas on where i stuffed up or whatever then go for it.. I can take constructive critisism.
I converted the boost levels every now and then from KPA to PSI so you guys understand the boost levels i was running, over 30psi!! - 2 bar of boost.
Metric Converter is here, put the boost kpa in my log into absolute KPA to get the PSI
Excel Spreadsheet