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DJ Brave

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Everything posted by DJ Brave

  1. You pull up at a set of lights next to a primary school and the kids stick their thumbs up and yell "Cool car man!!"
  2. You'd be surprised how easy it is to install it yourself mate. Most of them only have 3 or 4 wires to join. PM me if you want a hand with it, i'm on the coast too.
  3. No fun with noises like that coming from your engine darlin. Hope its not a full rebuild.
  4. *With teeth clenched* MUST... NOT... DEPOSIT... MONEY... WITHOUT... TALKING... TO... WIFE... OR... EMPLOYER... FIRST!!! AARRRRHHHHHHGGGGGGGG!!!!!
  5. Hey mate, I recently connected my electronic boost controller and got an extra T piece from bunnings. If you go in and look in the garden irrigation systems section you will find a T piece about the right size that you need for the size hose used for alot of the vacume lines. You get about ten of them for $6 or so and it works fine. As a bonus they are black in colour so they dont jump out of the engine bay at Mr Popo when he gets you to lift the bonnet for him. Hope this helps ya out.
  6. EH-HEEEEH!!!! Sharmoan Samitch! You could check Les's butt!! Charcoal a plenty!!
  7. Wow! They are some pretty stiff chassis settings they are running. Inside wheels lifting everywhere!!!
  8. I did 2 years of my Mechanics apprenticeship at 2 Toyota Dealerships, whats the problem and what model of toyota is it? I might be able to help.
  9. Sorry mate, Mines only a bit worse than that. I was after one in better nick than that. Thanks anyway.
  10. Hey mate, How much for the steering wheel on its own? I dont need the other stuff.
  11. Hows your beast going Charlie? You should've come down to TEXI for some fun last week mate. We had a ball!!
  12. HEY!! That my chant!! Get your own!!! :laughing-smiley-014:
  13. The thing that makes me moist is that when they release this beautiful yet aggressive looking beasty to the world, (hopefully) the price of the R34 GTR's will drop just a bit further and fall into the reach of someone extremely deserving of one. Like me. *Starts to rock back and forth while chanting* Midnight purple 3 V-Spec, Midnight purple 3 V-Spec, Midnight purple 3 V-Spec, Midnight purple 3 V-Spec....
  14. Yeah thats true, sorry my bad. I've amended the original scores in my postand like i said "This was a good idea at 11pm". I was pretty tired adding up the last bits of everything lastnight. Sorry bud, didnt mean to steal your thunder. Congrats on being first forum member, but I still retain first CLUB member in a skyline and I'm pretty stoked with that. 4th outright!! Thats gotta look bad, the bloke who did all that adding stuffing up his own score.
  15. HA HA GOLD!! No wonder you were driving it so hard!!
  16. Yeah for that reason alone i put me in third and you in fourth mate even though we scored the same points! LOL!!!! Well done mate, thats an awesome drive by you and your Starlet!!
  17. Okay here we go!! I have added up all the scores as per the listed times in this thread and with the points added to each person for each event they entered, and UNOFFICIALLY here are the overall results!! The points from left to right are: 1st skidpan, 2nd skidpan, back track and Total points. 1. RX7 SP________38 + 30 + 39 = 107 pts 2. Barry S15______33 + 29 + 38 = 100 pts 3. Turismo_______32 + 31 + 24 = 87 pts 4. Dj Brave_______35 + 28 + 21 = 84 pts 5. N/A S15_______36 + 26 + 16 = 78 pts 6. Intune_________27 + 15 + 27 = 69 pts___(Equal 6th) 7. A31 Deviat_____16 + 17 + 36 = 69 pts___(Equal 6th) 8. Sinful_________30 + 23 + 11 = 64 pts___(Equal 8th) 9. Trust33________22 + 09 + 33 = 64 pts___(Equal 8th) 10. Tuk Tuk_______28 + 00 + 35 = 63 pts___(Equal 10th) 11. Ozleroy_______15 + 25 + 23 = 63 pts___(Equal 10th) 12. Cejay_________34 + 22 + 6 = 62 pts___(Equal 12th) 13. Vspec_________25 + 08 + 29 = 62 pts___(Equal 12th) 14. Stinkypoo______29 + 13 + 19 = 61 pts 15. TJAnderson____26 + 18 + 15 = 59 pts___(Equal15th) 16. Matboy_______23 + 27 + 09 = 59 pts___(Equal 15th) 17. Ceffie_________19 + 20 + 17 = 56 pts 18. Riskin_________37 + 12 + 10 = 53 pts___(Equal 18th) 19. WTF33R_______31 + 12 + 10 = 53 pts___(Equal 18th) 20. Ladybytes_____24 + 00 + 28 = 52 pts___(Equal 20th) 21. Tripin (Mr)_____20 + 00 + 32 = 52 pts __(Equal 20th) 22. Evil Weevil_____17 + 01 + 34 = 52 pts___(Equal 20th) 23. N1GTR________18 + 03 + 30 = 51 pts 24. Bullet32_______13 + 05 + 31 = 49 pts 25. Mr Moo________21 + 19 + 05 = 45 pts 26. Doodz_________2 + 21 + 08 = 41 pts 27. Tinks__________14 + 24 + 01 = 39 pts 28. Abobob________04 + 10 + 22 = 36 pts___(Equal 28th) 29. Adam R33_____06 + 16 + 14 = 36 pts___(Equal 28th) 30. Lingering Soul__11 + 11 + 13 = 35 pts___(Equal 30th) 31. Neil___________03 + 07 + 25 = 35 pts___(Equal 30th) 32. neergnevets____09 + 04 + 18 = 29 pts 33. N/A 31_________02 + 00 + 26 = 28 pts 34. JetR32_________05 + 00 + 20 = 25 pts 35. MsNismo_______10 + 06 + 07 = 23 pts 36. Yogi000_______08 + 02 + 12 = 22 pts 37. Tripin (Mrs)____07 + 00 + 03 = 10 pts 38. Izzy__________01 + 00 + 04 = 5 pts For the record, this was a great idea at around 11pm. At 12:48am, I prob should have done this some other time. Feel the love people!! Oh and my new class win, Highest scoring Skyline!! WOO-HOO!!!!
  18. AGAIN, THIS IS NOT OFFICIAL RESULTS just so people can workout where they came overall if they are interested. Your points for this event are in front of your time. Back track results with names and cars 39 1:32.41 - Car 5…n/a (Rx7 SP) 38 1:38.55 - Car 37…Barry (S15) 37 1:38.59 - Car x…Duncan (350z) 36 1:39.97 - Car 36…A31Deviat (A31) 35 1:40.07 - Car 20…Tuk Tuk (32 GTR) 34 1:40.29 - Car 35…Evil weevil (33 GTST) 33 1:42.18 - Car 25…Trust33 (33 GTST) 32 1:43.16 - Car 3…TRIPIN (S15) 31 1:43.89 - Car 27…Bullet32 (32 GTST) 30 1:44.45 - Car 1…N1GTR (Poopra) 29 1:45.13 - Car 22…v s p e c (33 GTST) 28 1:45.47 - Car 11…Lady Bytes (32 GTR) 27 1:45.88 - Car 28…INTUNE (32 GTR) 26 1:46.55 - Car 13…n/a (R31) 25 1:47.09 - Car 30…Neil (33 GTST) 24 1:47.25 - Car 2…Turismo (Starlet) 23 1:47.46 - Car 12…ozleroy (R32 GTR) 22 1:47.47 - Car 33…Abo Bob (34 GTT) 21 1:47.53 - Car 34…djbrave (33 GTST) 20 1:47.70 - Car 6…JetR32 (R32 GTR) 19 1:48.85 - Car 31…Stinkypoo (R31) 18 1:49.17 - Car 17…neergnevets (R32 GTR) 17 1:49.17 - Car 4…CEFFIE (32 GTST) 16 1:49.47 - Car 23…n/a (S15) 15 1:49.57 - Car 21…TJAndersen (33 GTR) 14 1:49.93 - Car 26…AdamsR33 (33 GTST) 13 1:51.27 - Car 7…lingeringsoul (33 GTST) 12 1:51.61 - Car 19…Yogi000 (32 GTST) 11 1:53.19 - Car 32…Sinful (32 GTR) 10 1:53.49 - Car 9…WTF33R (33 GTST) 9 1:54.26 - Car 10…Matboy (32 GTST) 8 1:54.36 - Car 24…d00dz (33 GTST) 7 1:54.63 - Car 29…MSNISMO (200ZR wtf?) 6 1:55.09 - Car 8…cejay (32 GTS4) 5 1:55.51 - Car 15…MRMOO (33 GTST) 4 1:55.53 - Car 18…Izzy (180sx) 3 1:56.53 - Car 14…Mrs TRIPIN (S15) 2 1:58.83 - Car 40…Riskin (32 GTR) 1 1:58.87 - Car 38…Tinks (33 GTST)
  19. Just in case anyone is interested, this is how many points each person would have got for each run under the scoring system they use at the DECA events in Victoria. Add your points up to see how you went overall if you like. THIS IS NOT OFFICIAL JUST SIMILAR TO HOW THEY DO THE SCORING AT DECA. Your points for each run are in front of your name: Car Course 1 5 ______ 24.41 ______ 38 n/a (Rx7 SP) 40 ______ 25.29 ______ 37 Riskin (32 GTR) 23 ______ 26.13 ______ 36 n/a (S15) 34 ______ 26.21 ______ 35 djbrave (33 GTST) 8 ______ 26.37 ______ 34 cejay (32 GTS4) 37 ______ 26.42 ______ 33 Barry (S15) 2 ______ 26.54 ______ 32 Turismo (Starlet) 9 ______ 26.56 ______ 31 WTF33R (33 GTST) 32 ______ 26.69 ______ 30 Sinful (32 GTR) 31 ______ 26.86 ______ 29 Stinkypoo (R31) 20 ______ 26.92 ______ 28 Tuk Tuk (32 GTR) 28 ______ 26.99 ______ 27 INTUNE (32 GTR) 21 ______ 27.03 ______ 26 TJAndersen (33 GTR) 22 ______ 27.07 ______ 25 v s p e c (33 GTST) 11 ______ 27.13 ______ 24 Lady Bytes (32 GTR) 10 ______ 27.16 ______ 23 Matboy (32 GTST) 25 ______ 27.27 ______ 22 Trust33 (33 GTST) 15 ______ 27.45 ______ 21 MRMOO (33 GTST) 3 ______ 27.62 ______ 20 TRIPIN (S15) 4 ______ 27.63 ______ 19 CEFFIE (32 GTST) 1 ______ 27.64 ______ 18 N1GTR (Poopra) 35 ______ 27.79 ______ 17 Evil weevil (33 GTST) 36 ______ 27.79 ______ 16 A31Deviat (A31) 12 ______ 27.9 ______ 15 ozleroy (R32 GTR) 38 ______ 28.2 ______ 14 Tinks (33 GTST) 27 ______ 28.26 ______ 13 1:43.89 - Car 27…Bullet32 (32 GTST) 24 ______ 28.45 ______ 12 d00dz (33 GTST) 7 ______ 28.67 ______ 11 lingeringsoul (33 GTST) 29 ______ 28.67 ______ 10 MSNISMO (200ZR wtf?) 17 ______ 28.69 ______ 9 neergnevets (R32 GTR) 19 ______ 28.83 ______ 8 Yogi000 (32 GTST) 14 ______ 29.16 ______ 7 Mrs TRIPIN (S15) 26 ______ 29.16 ______ 6 1:49.93 - Car 26…AdamsR33 (33 GTST) 6 ______ 29.45 ______ 5 JetR32 (R32 GTR) 33 ______ 29.57 ______ 4 Abo Bob (34 GTT) 30 ______ 30.5 ______ 3 Neil (33 GTST) 13 ______ 31.33 ______ 2 n/a (R31) 18 ______ 33.92 ______ 1 Izzy (180sx) 16 ______ ______ 39 ______ ______ Course 2 2 ______ 25.31 ______ 31 Turismo (Starlet) 5 ______ 25.91 ______ 30 n/a (Rx7 SP) 37 ______ 26.05 ______ 29 Barry (S15) 34 ______ 26.11 ______ 28 djbrave (33 GTST) 10 ______ 26.37 ______ 27 Matboy (32 GTST) 23 ______ 26.73 ______ 26 n/a (S15) 12 ______ 26.99 ______ 25 ozleroy (R32 GTR) 38 ______ 27.19 ______ 24 Tinks (33 GTST) 32 ______ 27.56 ______ 23 Sinful (32 GTR) 8 ______ 27.69 ______ 22 cejay (32 GTS4) 24 ______ 27.88 ______ 21 d00dz (33 GTST) 4 ______ 27.93 ______ 20 CEFFIE (32 GTST) 15 ______ 28.09 ______ 19 MRMOO (33 GTST) 21 ______ 28.33 ______ 18 TJAndersen (33 GTR) 36 ______ 28.67 ______ 17 A31Deviat (A31) 26 ______ 28.93 ______ 16 1:49.93 - Car 26…AdamsR33 (33 GTST) 28 ______ 29.12 ______ 15 INTUNE (32 GTR) 40 ______ 29.16 ______ 14 Riskin (32 GTR) 31 ______ 29.42 ______ 13 Stinkypoo (R31) 9 ______ 29.44 ______ 12 WTF33R (33 GTST) 7 ______ 29.58 ______ 11 lingeringsoul (33 GTST) 33 ______ 29.69 ______ 10 Abo Bob (34 GTT) 25 ______ 29.79 ______ 9 Trust33 (33 GTST) 22 ______ 30.29 ______ 8 v s p e c (33 GTST) 30 ______ 31.27 ______ 7 Neil (33 GTST) 29 ______ 31.29 ______ 6 MSNISMO (200ZR wtf?) 27 ______ 31.53 ______ 5 1:43.89 - Car 27…Bullet32 (32 GTST) 17 ______ 33.47 ______ 4 neergnevets (R32 GTR) 1 ______ 35.35 ______ 3 N1GTR (Poopra) 19 ______ 37.99 ______ 2 Yogi000 (32 GTST) 35 ______ 39.73 ______ 1 Evil weevil (33 GTST) 3 ______ ______ 0 TRIPIN (S15) 6 ______ ______ 0 JetR32 (R32 GTR) 11 ______ ______ 0 Lady Bytes (32 GTR) 13 ______ ______ 0 n/a (R31) 14 ______ ______ 0 Mrs TRIPIN (S15) 16 ______ ______ 18 ______ ______ 0 Izzy (180sx) 20 ______ ______ 0 Tuk Tuk (32 GTR) 39 ______ ______
  20. I saw you win the "Most stylish run with one arm out the window" trophy!!
  21. Man i wish i had've got a chance to see your runs in the Starlet. I was in the other group and all i kept hearing about was "Have you seen the starlets times?", "its kickin butt".
  22. Okie dokie!! Now i can post up my class awards. 1. Fastest GTS-T on both skidpan runs 2. Fastest Skyline outright on second skidpan session 3. Most consistant driver(came 4th in both sessions) 4. Fastest R33 on both sessions Going off the scoring they did at DECA I got 83 points for the three events and checkout the missus, Tinks got fastest female for the second session too! Congrats darlin!!
  23. Sharmon!! Dis be my swimmin poool, where i make it wid da women and do a little bidda swimmin!!!! Eh-heeee!!

  24. Just curious, who's getting all the results together? Anyone know when the results are gunna be up for viewing?
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