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Everything posted by Smity42

  1. you are all doing a poor job of keeping me entertained at work today
  2. I suddenly have a strange desire to sell the XF and buy a 4x4
  3. guys whats the go with 33 boss kits is there a difference between hicas/not hicas? What if hicas has been disabled? Non-hicas boss kits go for nothing on ebay...
  4. My last one took 2 days to arrive in the mail. Only way I can see not having a sticker in time is leaving it till the last minute to pay. ...of course, I was just stirring sh*t. hence the "" emoticon
  5. Tas I found you some more appropriate mountain run music:
  6. I normally just pay my rego renewal before its due ...maybe thats just me?
  7. http://kalecoauto.com/index.php?main_page=...586d6b7befb06b9
  8. I just found this for my phone: http://www.racechrono.com/ I'm so giving it a try next time i head out
  9. John: /photophucket troll Price and contact details about to be PM'd P.S. Black mang, she had a spray not long ago after the kit went on
  10. go to the page and look. John gets his kicks out of abusing underage kids ... Wait... that doesnt sound right... I just finished my breakfast of champions: 1x hot dog, 1x can of red bull. Massive win!
  11. +1 to hardy spicer. I got mine done at Eagle Farm however. Quality job, and they really know their shit
  12. I love brisbane. Not sure why though. I hate the traffic, really hate the public transport, hate the useless politicians that run the place. Love everything else though. As many have said we got beaches, mountains, driving roads etc all pretty close. Also we have two race tracks now . People are mostly great, just steer clear of the bogans. I've been to sydney and the lasting impression it left on me was "Dirty", I couldnt live there. Perth is nice, but insanly boring. It's like the city just shuts down at 5pm.
  13. @Colin! Can get you an S3 front bar, reo, filler panel, and grill for 50 bux. F*cking cheap. Condition not the best though apparently. Let me know mang RE: BBQ I will be there, will need a lift with someone though if its a mountain run. My car is on stands and shocks are on their way to bilstein australia Happy to bring whatever too
  14. don't need either a front bar or grille for drifting I've probably got an S3 grille for you somewhere if I haven't thrown it out And you just reminded me i should charge the battery in the ute
  15. You could title them all "PCE Performance". Or give them each a title ie "PCE Performance" for home page, "News" for news page, "Contact Us" for contact us page, etc. "Untitled" just looks unprofessional mediocre to me has negative connotations... maybe thats just me. I would suggest "Our customers range from general street car enthusiasts to amateur motor sport competitors". You are right, amateur can also have negative connotations, but in sport it generally means non-professional, ie, not doing it for a living. I'll try and think of some better options but I'm coming up blank atm. EDIT: yeah entry level could work. Matter of fact, general English fix up: It could still be better; it’s been a while since high school . Maybe Shan the English champion can help.
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