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Everything posted by Smity42

  1. Yep it's a b*tch if you're not ready for it. But if your employer is correctly taking out the HECS amount from your pay, it won't be a big problem and you will smash your HECS debt in a few years, which is great. That's what I did, although the first year my employer did not take out the correct amount so I got a massive bill . She's saying she earnt ~50k but is having to pay 2.2k HECS. Which is wrong. Regardless of what her employer has taken out, she should not have to pay ANY hecs back on 50k. The other problem of her employer not taking enough out, yeah nothing she can do about that. But you can apply to the ATO to pay it off over time rather than have to front up the full amount straight away.
  2. Chants, HECS rates: https://www.ato.gov.au/rates/help-repayment-thresholds-and-rates/ If you're below the threshold you WON'T have to pay any. If you do b*tch and complain, or get a better accountant.
  3. Silly cats... don't they know they are supposed to be nocturnal?
  4. Coming to dinner tomorrow?
  5. Are you a Wizard #Ants?
  6. Happy Birthday Antonio! Hope you have a good one mate
  7. In. Will bring el leopardo out for a drive
  8. Could fit all of them in my ute no worries
  9. Nice. Electronic transfer case I guess though?
  10. Utes are better at all of these things
  11. But from what I have seen the new navara is going to look like a*se though... Is it getting its transfer case back? This is what I keep saying
  12. Surely you have a spare white flag lying around somewhere I could borrow? Naah he was pretty good actually, he even told me not to buy tonneau/cannopy of them because they were overpriced. ...OK, maybe he was pretty sh*t, from nissan's point of view. I think they looked after me because the sale was organised through my sister's work (big salary packing company, major buying power) Heard mixed reports. Some people say it is uterly useless, others say it is great. Not sure what to beleive, but none of the science is very convincing...
  13. They didn't even try to sell me that. Feeling left out now
  14. Expections of Narangba Pizza were high, but they didn't dissapoint. Definitely found my new pizza shop
  15. Don't need brakes for happy laps I might be tempted to try to keep up with mouse though...
  16. She has no front seat belts ATM . If I manage to get new ones before saturday I'll bring her out. But it's not likely... Lend me Pinky? On the home stretch hey Bodo?
  17. Bump. Seats gone, ECU still for sale.
  18. Bump. Seats gone, ECU still for sale
  19. Naah, my dodgy a*se POS engine
  20. Don't buy from JDM garage. You will regret it.
  21. I would go if I had a car...
  22. Hasn't your plane disappeared yet?
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