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Everything posted by Race__24

  1. Maybe someone should do a group buy on fuel!
  2. ^^^^ we know we could do it easy so why prove it. (same mentality as dragging 6cyl commodores)
  3. ^^^^^^^ correct!!!!
  4. Hey dude, looks good. Unlike some people above like simple, just looks nicer. If I was making one for myself i'd probably go simpler still, but that looks like a good compromise. I'll be buying one. PS. well dome on the legwork
  5. Nah, go the BBQ! Get everyone to chip in on the day and buy the meat down at Victa. Foodland, Woolies, coles, LiquorLand or something SHOULD be open. If you get it there and then you don't have to guess how many people are gonna show up etc. or worry about keeping it cold.
  6. I'm after some subframe alignment bushes, just one question.......... How easy are they to put in, do i need any special tools and does the suframe have to come right out or can i get away with just dropping it down on a jack and slipping them in? Thanks Aaron
  7. yeah, i'll have to back chops up on this one
  8. Was that price from Rhemacs to re skim the head as well? They do tend to be more expencive but i've always found they do more as well, they don't do things by halves. The price probably included all new gaskets and seals etc. add labour onto that and it's probably not too bad.
  9. I'm a CNC machinist. Probably can't help with CNC machining, but can do basic milling, turning and EDM work without any trouble, depending on workload. PM me
  10. Some maps say Gawler is metro. Most say Munno Para is metro so Gawler is "close". Personally being non metro is fine by me Means i can get my car in whenever i want!
  11. I remember that car park, and also a reasonably large pile of sand in it "officer i had to floor it to stop myself getting bogged!"
  12. Give John a call at Rhemac Morors in Gawler, he might do it, plus he's been toying around with RBs for ages so he knows his stuff
  13. Yeah, condolences to the families, loved ones and friends. This sort of stuff is never good to hear and if it doesn't make you think there's something wrong.
  14. Well i'm glad it gets everyones approval!
  15. Waaaaaaaaaaaaa waaaaaaaaaaaaaa waaaa waaaaaaaaaaaa waaaaa wa waaaaaaaaa, ok, i'll get another pic Bloody cry babys
  16. Done !
  17. Yeah, you're probably right, I'll give him a call in the next couple of days.
  18. Hey, just a quick one, or two. What does Shaun use to tune a Power FC, does he use software or just the hand controller? Secondly, how much does he charge? I know it's like asking how long is a bit of string but i'm just after a ball park figure. I've got some knocking issues at about 3000rpm at 1/2 to 3/4 trottle that i need sorted out, as well as some power seaking. I'm just trying to decide where to go to get a tune, think i'll go with Shaun or possibly Morpower as i'm in Gawler and my mechanic recomended them but i'm just weighing things up. Thanks Aaron
  19. I wouldn't mind tagging along, could cruise to a couple of locations or something. Beach, skyline/lookout, industrial, *insert idea here* I think it's mona that you can actually drive onto the beach, would look good around sunset
  20. Hey, just wanted to say thanks for organizing the day. It was a good social event, I met some new like-minded people which is always good. To add to that you raised some money for two good causes. And i got food!!!!! Well done!!! Aaron
  21. I have a Trust cooler that looks identical to this mounted on my 33, got it second hand so it came with pipes. I got it cos it just plumbed up to the standart pipework. And fits perfectly in the M-spec bar, after trimming the back a little(as with all intercoolers).
  22. I bet the camera operators are doing it just to try and impress the girls- "Yeah I work in the covert operations branch of SAPOL" Rather than- "I'm a monkey that sits in the car with the speed camera"
  23. 11am is a sleep in!!!!
  24. Think i'll go, haven't been out doing car stuff in a while
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