What can i say? Drifting has always been here, but on a pathetic minute scale. The good thing is, its only going to get bigger. With more and more public interest its only a matter of time untill we get a proper event going...But who will start it? where will it be held?...Im in brisbane and all i can think about day and night is drifting...some would say im a dickhead for thinking of it so much....but its like a drug, and with any drug you can get addicted...and with addictions, people go to extreems to get what they want, weather it be drifting in industrial area's or on main roads near schools...its gonna keep happening and sooner or later there are going to be lots of throttle happy teenagers out there with cheap hot imports running over shit left right and center. WHAT CAN WE DO ABOUT THIS? We are the drivers, and we are the future of this sport... It needs a better reputation for a sport instead of just being thought of as "kids getting it sideways"