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Everything posted by siddr20

  1. How do you even get roof top access to most of these buildings? Or just out of a window on top floor? Great pics jay keep at it.
  2. jay - great effort man.. So how exactly are you doing those shots? Must have missed your previous post. Wait I think I read you got it on pole???
  3. ^ long exposure is your friend.
  4. Godspeed - thanks for checking out my website. Im hoping clients will check out both sides, but I wanted to split it in two as I tend to shoot more indian weddings. But otherwise design aspect is all fine with the website?
  5. Hey everyone, I got a brand new website up and running. Let me know what you all think. Link: www.sidd-rishi.com.au Cheers
  6. WOW!!!! nicly taken jay. Be careful now!!
  7. Just got back from a long day shooting a wedding and half way through the shoot my 5dm2 dies when the couple were about to walk into the venue. At first I thought my camera wasnt focusing but after a few tries I looked down at the lcd screen reading ERR!! Nothing else to that message. Im like oh shit.. So removed both my batteries put back in.. nothing.. same error.. took cf card out.. same error.. so at this stage im about to shit my pants.. Lucky I had my 7d as backup but had to grab it from the bag. So lost a few shots of the couple walking in.. But atleast my 2nd shooter got it thank god. In the break I took just one battery out of the grip and tested the camera and it worked I was so happy. So looks like one of the battery has shat it self. Both batteries are genuine and charged before the event this morning. Will do more testing tomorrow.. off to bed now... But if you going to a paid gig (no matter how small or big), always have backup gear. If you don't your just silly. Thats all I wanted to say.
  8. I spotted a done up r31 with plates JAY something.. Cant remember what it was. Think I told you this a while back.
  9. Yup straight into the pole hahahahah. Indeed right near where we did jasons evo
  10. I got a funny story to the pic i posted earlier (well you cant see it as my main website is down). But anyways as I was taking the shots of the couple we hear a scream and as we quickly turned around we saw the following: hahahahhaha
  11. hahahh would be awkard lol.. Thanks for the kind words. Got a few more from that spot that I will upload soon.
  12. Theres like a million of you in the background. You ever been caught taking pics of yourself? hahah A Pic from yesterdays super long wedding day. Started at 6am and finished at 7pm (plus all the driving on top). Weddings are hard work thats for sure!! Got more location shoots and reception tonight. But all part of the fun If only this place had autumn leaves. I put this pic on my other shitty screen and wow what a difference. Hope you all got IPS panel screens. Makes me wonder sometimes what clients think when they view pics on there crappy screens.
  13. SOLD!!! Mods please close thread. Thanks
  14. ^ nicely dont matt. I like it. How did the spiral one turn out? Taken in the pitch black and little drizzle. Used the video guys ipad and phone to light up the face a tiny bit to focus lol.. Just a speedlite off camera and a small constant light at the back to light up the heads. Rest are on the blog.
  15. Pic of the groom taken through the video guys camera.
  16. Putting it on ebay tonight. Want it sold asap please.
  17. ^ nice I like that jay. its like the branches are reaching out to go grab a bite or a small child lol...
  18. ^ Oh no Hope your not hurt. Is that your car??
  19. Im out sorry. Im working both days and both full days If I finish early I will let you know but doubt it.
  20. Will confirm on Monday man.. should be able to make it.
  21. WOW they are expensive. Its like 750 for half the day!! $295 for a smaller studio, but you cant have the car in there. I wish moth studios were still open. You can always use my garage studio lol. Anyways any other suggestions? locations??
  22. Sounds good man.. Im keen for that I will see if i can find out some prices.
  23. Well first I need to know who is keen on doing a studio shoot or do you want to do something else?
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