Just got back from a long day shooting a wedding and half way through the shoot my 5dm2 dies when the couple were about to walk into the venue. At first I thought my camera wasnt focusing but after a few tries I looked down at the lcd screen reading ERR!! Nothing else to that message.
Im like oh shit.. So removed both my batteries put back in.. nothing.. same error.. took cf card out.. same error.. so at this stage im about to shit my pants.. Lucky I had my 7d as backup but had to grab it from the bag. So lost a few shots of the couple walking in..
But atleast my 2nd shooter got it thank god.
In the break I took just one battery out of the grip and tested the camera and it worked I was so happy. So looks like one of the battery has shat it self.
Both batteries are genuine and charged before the event this morning.
Will do more testing tomorrow.. off to bed now...
But if you going to a paid gig (no matter how small or big), always have backup gear. If you don't your just silly.
Thats all I wanted to say.