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  1. I hope I'm not breaking rules adding again into this topic. Since found out I have a HalTech Platium Pro ECU Ever since my Bro took my car to get tyres, dam Patrol blew up and had to take the r31 away instead I noticed a problem sometimes when it hits Max Boost, bascially backfires and carries on, most of the time but sometimes works almost perfect. Also noted that the MAC boost control valve is sucking air in through the part not connected to anything, reading its not supose to be connected to anything and I'm 100% sure it never did that nor should it, also its like a fish tank air as in not clean sucking but vibration sucking, I'm assuming this maybe the cause for the boost problems and asking if anyone has had a MAC valve starting doing this. Also where is the best place that would stock this part in Sydney's south. From the ECU map I downloaded from the ECU it is running an open loop boost control setup, not sure if this is bad good etc . Anyways thanks in advance if anyone knows anything about this problem
  2. Well I feel quite stupid now, went to local repco to get a CTS they had no idea of the type etc. Found some pics on the net showing which one it is as there is like 3 thought I'd try clean it up ya never know took the plug off and what do you know it looks like its a bit corroded, spray some electrical clearer on it ram it on and off a few times and bingo running like a dream again. From only able to start dead cold and running like crap to back to normal. ..and it would be nice to know what ECU is in it if I want to get a tune by someone who knows that type in and out etc. Probably need some plugs now from the over fueling like a mofo for the 70KM home the other nite. Thanks to all that added some input
  3. Thanks for your fast reply's and sorry about the bit of garble in my post. (Cup Day) Yea I did read if you unplug a AFM it will not rev over 2500rpm . I'm 99.9% sure there is no AFM looked very closely. Its over fuel at start and when at operation temp, will look into testing or replacing the coolant temp sensor and go from there. Thanks again for your input and I'll post back when it's all sorted for future reference for others.
  4. ok must be too much of the gg's cause I would have edited the above: Still can't find an AFM on this car I bought approx. 3months ago : (Mid life crisis ) Was almost that was the problem ?? ? Can a fuel injected car even run without one ? I guess they can ? meaning ECU replacement ? Yep I'm at a bit of a loss here I'm not F'n idoit maybe I am? Need to contact the person that built the car cause its not even close to what I read in the rb25det pdf Anyways I'll be back making more sense. Unless anyone can tell me What How And Why I have no AFM on my RB25DET Yea still have not takin the kick panel off yet ........sure I'll not find a standard ECU because there is no AFM I'm sure dammit I traced the Intake all the way its not there!
  5. I have an R31 with RB25DET Please Post back when you find out what your problem was. Just last night I had the same problem, was over fueling like crazy stopped to get fuel, then would not start, let it sit for 30mins still no start could smell fuel bad, had to pop the fuel Relay out, crank it over then it would start pop the relay back in and keep rev's above 3000 or it would flood it self to death, pull up at lights and making a strange faster Idle, I'm going to try find a manual that has values I can check with a multimeter to test Air flow meter and O2 sensor and from other threads maybe temp sensor. Started this morning but problem still there normally starts without problem this time can tell its not right killed it tried to start again, no start.
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