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Everything posted by Lolrick

  1. Hi guys, I've just come across this myself, so ordered a new regulator assembly from Japan that arrived this week Was it difficult to replace? I'm only just getting into DIYs, and I like to have an idea of what i'm doing before i get started, and have not been able to find a tutorial or photos. Does it require 2 people? Cheers! Mick
  2. Question - would i be best served securing the 'clips' the the speaker grill with blue-tack or 3M permanent mounting tape?
  3. Yes. Yes, I would.
  4. I think that's the go, I'll have a look on the weekend how i can connect them in a non-permanent fashion though! any ideas, gents?
  5. I thought you could only *fly away* on the internet? lol It sounds like it is, and I've concluded that you don't need the clips, but do need a place to anchor the restraints (ADR defies logic again) I'm tossing up whether to remove the plates across the speakers (not great for audio quality) and then putting on the "fake" clips, or reinstating the plates and covering the speakers with acoustic cloth to hide the ugly hole where the clip was that i'll remove. Or maybe I'll just remove both.. haha. I just can't believe that this would lead to a defect, honestly. If I had a child in the car, damn right I'd want it to be as safe as possible, but as i dont, i completely disagree about needing the anchors.
  6. Hi Damien, Cheers for the reply! Just wonder what state you're in? I'm in NSW, not sure if this legislation differs between the states? Overall I'd love to avoid having the bars there at all - I'm no audiophile, but I'm kinda annoyed that i have a heavy bar right across my speakers. The bar actually touches the tweeter (little speaker in the middle) of my new speakers, which i paid $100 for (so not especially cheap). Thanks!
  7. Hi gents, I am looking for some information on the child anchor points that were unceremoniously drilled into the parcel shelf of my R34 coupe. Specifically, what are the legalities surrounding these? The only info i could find on the net was concerning children using booster seats etc. I do not have children, nor do i intend to drive children around in the Skyline, so I would like to remove those unsightly 'anchors' - which i have done as of today, when i fitted my new 6 inch Kicker speakers. If you look at the photo, you'll see the bars going across the speakers (factory speakers pictured). If i remove those, am I in a defectable position? Can i simply keep only the central anchor point? (Seeing there is a large hole there anyway) I would like to cover the gashes in the speaker covers. If i keep those bars (even though they travel right across the bloody speakers!!!) is that good enough for a policeman to see that i have the anchor points? As i said, i couldnt locate the relevant bit of legislation. (All that i could find is that literally no one else in the world can supply our baby seats, because they aren't up to the Australian standard... of course.) Thanks! Mick
  8. Hi gents, Surprised this hasn't filled up already! Just want to register my interest for the next one around - unable to make this one, haven't been before, but hoping I can catch one in the near future. Big thanks to everyone organising! Cheers, Mick
  9. Dude arrived in a bashed up VS Commodore ute with a massive Roo bar with his bushpig girlfriend (sister? both?) in the tray. Then he sat on the window sill and started ghost riding it (inches from the expensive pride and joy pieces of metal of other car lovers). Was wearing a flanno, baggy jeans and rabens and ron weasley hairdo. Then some dude, who i'm going to guess is from Cabramatta, parked next to him. Ranga apparently wanted to reserve the parking spot or something? So he pulled out a jack and tyre iron and got to work on the guys pretty sweet S2k, happily smiling for photos etc. Then a pretty large group started gathering around, because there was a confrontation. Guy in the honda drove off in a steam, and some of his mates were there and a few swings and kicks got in (nothing serious). Then i think the ranga drove off, and there's been like 600+ posts discussing this on the events facebook page. Added a nice element of excitement, honestly.
  10. Lol pretty much, fortunately so many people were popping skids out front (probably because of a large crowd out front basically egging them on, plus the wet weather allowing even underpowered cars to break traction) that the cops were mostly picking on those guys
  11. Had a quick google and haven't come up with anything definitive. I do know for sure that they must light up amber, so I suppose that they can't be too dark/thick for the light to penetrate. I've actually had second thoughts, and have gone ahead and ordered Nismo smoked front and side indicators. Should be on their way from Japan soon hopefully! Will post befores and afters
  12. I think the rain brought out the loonies, and the loonies brought out the cops... Don't think you missed much, mate! Probably better off sticking to club meets!
  13. Yeah he genuinely was going to take that wheel off
  14. I went yesterday, first ever car meet for me. Was awesome to see all the vehicles rolling in to the showground at first, but it soon turned into people down burn outs in and around the car park and onto the roads. There was a strong, positive correlation to those doing burn outs and p-plates, burn outs and stock (or close to) vehicles, and burn outs to civics/integras/pulsars. Hate to generalise, but these guys were the ones that caused the police to show in force. $5 entry, venue was relatively large and convenient, but the 'meet' shouldn't be confused with a show - there were not many interesting cars to see. Comparisons were drawn to this meet and a Woolworths car-park. Some also suggested that, being in fairfield, the chances of getting the limiter-bashing, peg-legging civics and pulsars is slightly higher. Also, this whole 'open attitude any car enthusiast welcome' means it attracts many people who you wouldn't want to meet - I imagine because they're not welcome to most other clubs/cruises. All in all, good to experience once, but I won't attend again. Looking forward to getting more involved in the skyline club
  15. Shout out to CHE14W at downshift Fairfield today - unfortunately not much R34 representation, but this one was worth the walk all the way to the edge of the car park!
  16. Cheers! and i'm glad i don't have to worry about the gel. In fact, should i actively try and put more in there? Moving on, I think i may turn this thread into a before and after of tinting the side indicators - shall add photos as I go for anyone that might be interested
  17. Hi Kurt, Yeah, I don't understand either, haha. I when I popped out the indicator from the panel, it was even more filthy than in the linked photo. I eventually scraped most off with a few toothpicks, and today at work I had someone else have a crack - it came out (the the clip from the loom!) first time - I must have loosened it up We then had a try at the other side, where I had not yet scraped off the gunk, and we could not get that off within our lunch break. In the mean time, I will simply twist from the orange bulb part and give them a spray with the nightshade tint So to answer my own question, no there is no trick to it, but you may find it easier with the built up gunk scraped off. While I have your attention, there was a lot of clear/light yellow gel type of material on the inside of the clips and loom - should i be alarmed at this? Thanks! Mick
  18. Holy thread revival... I won't take any offense if no-one responds to this! I would love to get those child restraints out, and you have done a wonderful job... but isn't this ADR defectable? Thanks!
  19. Dear esteemed gentlemen, I can't get the f**king clips undone on the side indicators on my R34 GT-T coupe. The indicators are easy to pop out of the panel, but i can't undo the clip at all. There is a whole heap of grime all over the place, which I've started clearing off, but I just can't unclip the orange part that connects to the bulb from the wires and clip that come from within the body of the car. Have i missed something? I was wanting to to tint the orange indicators with VHT Nightshade, and if it looks crap I was going to buy the Nismo Smoked indicators Thanks guys! Mick
  20. Hi Ladies & Gents, My passenger window on my R34 GT-T coupe has always closed incorrectly, with the back part of the window dragging behind at an angle. This meant that i would have to hold the glass myself and push it upright to close the window properly, and this action ended up pulling out most of the door seals (which are a b*$ch to pop in again) When i took off the door trim to have a look, i found that the clip keeping the regulator in the rail on the scissor lift type thing had broken. Sorry to send you on to random websites, but this guy on the UK forum had the same problem as I do, and was kind enough to take photos http://www.skylineowners.com/forum/showthread.php?t=185044 However, his answer was unresolved My question is, can i fix or replace that small white clip so that the regulator does not slide from out of the rail? Or will i have to purchase a new regulator assembly? Cost of a new regulator assembly is ~$70 plus shipping, which I'm happy to pay to fix this little nuisance. (one of not many on a relatively old car - gotta love the japs) Thanks guys Mick
  21. I guess it can't be anything interesting then, which is really what i wanted to know. I have a pdf of the workshop manual at work, will have a dig around in this (on company time
  22. Cheers for having a look,guys. So they come out on every R34 from the factory?
  23. Hi all, Recently pulled the stereo out and replaced it with a Pioneer unit, painting the black plastics at the same time. However, the radio reception wasn't great - when we held the harness (including bracket, Climate control, single din head unit and ashtray) before screwing it in we were getting amazing, loud, crystal clear reception. However, as soon as we screwed it all in, the clarity faded, though you can still hear the radio fine. We're going to try again this weekend and get a good ground going - we feel it may have been grounding through the antenna. While the stereo was out, we found a pair of TV 'bunny ears' antenna (from the jap install with previous headunit that had TV function? The TV never worked for me).Also, there were quite a few proper connector plugs unplugged - is this where the automatic models would be plugged in? My vehicle is manual. I also found some RCA cables (L and R) that seemingly didn't fit anywhere. It seemed that when i turned the ignition 1 click when they were unplugged, there would be lots of whining noises coming from the dash. However, when they were plugged in, this seemed to subside - even if they weren't plugged into anything with output. Curious, i opened up the boot and took off the little cardboard/carpet section between the boot and the rear seats, and found these things (pictured) near the rear speakers on the parcel shelf. I receive frequencies for Triple J 105.7 and Triple M 104.9, so obviously at some stage in Australia (vehicle imported 2004 i believe, 1998 R34 GT-T) i had an FM expander installed. There is a 'Diversity' plug/antenna thing behind the stereo i believe. Are these things antenna amplifiers, or are they to do with the Hicas? I have had no experience with this before. Because of the RCA cables, (and whatever that thin blue wire is?) I suspect that the previous owner had amp and subs installed, and pulled out the power cables, when he sold (as well as the amp and subs - i own neither) because i can not find anything connected to the battery. If anyone could shed any light on what these things are, and possibly go all Sherlock Holmes and tell me what the previous owner got up to, it would be much appreciated! Finally, any suggestions on how to clear up radio reception is also welcome! will provide further information once i open it up again this weekend Cheers, Mick
  24. Hey Xtaoi, did you ever find a solution for your seal? mine decided to partly come off tonight...
  25. Has anyone tried this one in Penrith? http://www.redballoon.com.au/driving-experiences/driver-training/advanced-driver-skills-full-day-course Or would we all suggest to stick to the more expensive Ian Luff?
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