In brief, got done 45k's over by HWP last year 31/07/08. (stupid, I know) immediate licence suspension for 6 months and licence taken away from me on the spot, fine of $1,674 and police notice of suspension issued from 31/07/08 to 31/01/09.
Appealed, waited for 5 months to be heard in local court (did not drive in that period, no licence). Fine was reduced to $500 (no previous fines/offences, not even a parking ticket) but court re-instated suspension for another 6 months effective from 01/12/08. Appeal to district court scheduled 18 Feb.
I have not driven and/or defaulted during this period.
Here are my problems;
1. Can I, under a suspension, have licence renewed (licence expired sometime in Dec) or get a new one?
2. I have done my time in terms of the police notice. At the court registry, one of the admins told me that I can drive from 31/01/09 to 18/02/09 legally due to the pending appeal.
3. A legal one, I have done the required time, I should legally be able backdate the suspension to the date of the original offence?
To do number 2, I'll need number 1. Has anyone else been in a similar situation?