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  1. hhmmm... a lot changed on SAUWA. Just pop in to say hello
  2. yes I was around then SAUWA was infant... and now I see its grown up quite a bit, due to hard work of members and mods (I was one once upon a time) of course! good to see some ppl still here G'day Gluey
  3. G'day guys, I am gluey, I aint noobs to the SAU, in fact I have been here for while but just dormant for few years now. anyway, I am trying to buy decent Stagea hopefully S2 and above. can you guide me into right direction of buying one in the West? kind regards Gluey
  4. hi all, I am not new but certainly I have not been here for long time. Gluey
  5. Pva_Glue

    Come On Wa

    hhmm classic...
  6. Hi, some of you know me, some you dont know me... well either way thanks for reading this, only will take 2 minutes of your time. I have been away from perth after graduating from uni. I have been in Army protecting my country. anyway I have done my part in world peace working as United Nations Peace corp, as medical officer and working @ hospital as medic for last 2 years. now I am honarably discharged from the army and comming back to Perth. I am in needs of help with work and place to live, I hear rental prices in Perth shot up high and hard to find cheap places that is close to city. I was wondering if you know of people would like to share house or have rent properties near city (I used to live in vic park it was nice and close) I am looking for job in hospitals in Perth, my ultimate goal is to work at Forensic labs. I am qualified laboratory techinician certified by Australian Institute of Medical Scientist. you may know places I can put in my CV..? ps.This is long shot but who knows... more than 80% of people get their jobs by word of mouth and receommendation from friends... so help a friend out Thank you all cheers Joey
  7. I have not been well... for few weeks Winter is comming, where I am
  8. I am still away kinda, @ lebanon ATM... doing my part of world peace nice to chat
  9. G'day... I am kinda newbie cuz I have not been in the country for more than 24 months hahahah for who cares and knows me I am still alive and well in Lebanon I have not seen any skylines yet... but I am sure there is one or two. I've seen lots of UN hummers and IVECO. Most of cars I ride is bullet proofed for MAX! yeap I am blue helmet wearing peace Keeping Force in Lebanon. ps. my ride is ambulance TANK with big UN & (red cross) mark at the front hahah anyway nice to see ya all. I'll catch up some of you when Im back @ perth cheeers Joey
  10. G'day all. sorry about not saying hello often as I should, we there wasnt any time to access internet in the barracks. anyway I might be off to Lebanon as UN peace keeping contingent as medical officer. wish me luck and will see some of you next year sometime beside EUG will manage NAsection well enough you have my support cheers Joey
  11. no I am not back I am still in Korea... damm winter!!! I'll be off to Beiruit in Lebanon as United Nation Peace keeping force Korean contigent will be back in Perth next year some time BTW Yes to Extractors hahahah
  12. big Farkin..........................YES!
  13. I like this more please cheers Joey
  14. hahah nice one
  15. hey hey I am still alive and well hahahha so how many wedding am I missing out on while I am away??? bah!!
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