I dotn like your tone (if intended sound sarcastic or not).
If some one bother to answer your noob quesion at least thank them, dont reply with 'F' words.
as above, do SEARCH!!!
as for your mods DO A SEARCH!!!
Its not funny when you guys calling names... so please keep it clean.
IMHO, many of us buy/bought Non turco skyline because of the restriction on P in some states and it is good value for money.
Non turbo Skylines have great potential if you spend little of money.
Not like with turbo cars need to keep tuned and modifying... I am Not saying Nonturbo cars dont need to be tuned nor cost nothing to run.
But the hassels/problems you get with turbo is just too much.
When was last time you heard MY Turbo Skyline run just fine...!
I alwasys hear amm turbo gives you grief ... either its detonating, runing lean, timing issues....etc.
My old skyline was dead stock,
Blitz Access ECU
Blitz metal mesh pod
2.5 Exhaust - not sure about extractor...
I think its the exhaust that makes the sound, cuz I never heard any other NA skyline with same sound
because of all the 4WD system, it weighs more.
but if you do live in the wet season area, it helps alot
I tell you, it has its good and bad side , but end of the day its very good value for money. all skylines are
its not constant 4WD like WRX.
They called ATTESA. works by transfering power to front wheels when you loose traction from rear tires.
have a look at the instrumental panel it should have '4WD' and 'SLIP'
with the SLIP lits up only when you loose traction to rear wheels.
when you start up car both lights up then goes off.
hahah Steve that's shocking that no one stoped.
I fell off on SUZUKI 600 at the Curtin uni round about in the moring and about 3 cars stoped and 3 nice Guys help me up and put my bike off the road.
Dam RED HONDA (whom caused the chain reaction lead me to fell off my bike) didnt even stop, he drove off bastard!!!
I was too sore to see number plate :|
Complience FEE set out Only IN WESTERN AUSTRALIA!!!
based on WA 15yr old GTR import
For six months rego and initial transfer:-
License Fee: $104.05
Insurance : $113.86
GST on insurance: $11.39
Stamp duty on insurance: $12.50
Recording: $9.60
Adjustment: $0.00
Plate Fee: $18.00
Stamp Duty: $295.75
Total $565.15
You can add to that:
Movement Permit: $14.85
Inspection fee's: $136.90
All up $716.90
For your convenience
All the questions and Answers of Australian Department for Planning and Infrastructure Links
thanks that's waht I was after...
but it doenst say anything about how to register LH Vehicles
I wonder if you can still complience it.
Mercerdes SL500 looks mighty good at the moment
HI guys, did search but nothing came up.
anyone know its legality and web site I use as reference?
as far as I know
1.WA is only state dont have to convert
2.used to put little sticker at the back bumper but its no loger enforced.
3.need special license
Thank you.