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Everything posted by Pva_Glue

  1. make a visit to LV shop in king street hahaha have fun day mate
  2. ok you are a worry troy mate!
  3. hi ya all kids I am back
  4. see ya cute milk!
  5. I am gone! see ya
  6. hahaha unlikely they were synthetic antigen shots... but still it threw away my bio rhythim
  7. flu shots? I could get one last friday... for free @ work. but there is no way I am getting any of that shat! last time I had it I was sick for weeks!
  8. hahah have good sunday.... I am off to church soon
  9. hahhhaha.......... lol
  10. it aint dead... its in state of thinker...
  11. Moring aiden.. yeah I taped and just finished watching it. it was ok as Honkong standard ahhahahah..... but then again what do you expect when main character dies half way filiming the movie
  12. hahahahha....... you look like 15 yr old no offence... kinda cute
  13. Mornign all... what the..........? what are you talking photo of your self in toilet? :bahaha:
  14. What happend to TedEBear? hahah
  15. :bahaha: ok it's good laugh... but come one paul leave poor troy alone, it ain't as bad as your gay wing ...:uh-huh: :bahaha: cheers JOe
  16. Good morning! you get up early for chick... I guess time difference helps ")
  17. I cant stand it... I am taping it.. me off to bed see ya
  18. me sleepy but I want to watch Bruce LEEE :)D:D
  19. hehehe..........
  20. doing the survey
  21. hahhahaha Paul should try this out http://www.bbc.co.uk/science/humanbody/min...d/lonelyhearts/
  22. one of my favorite BBC documents http://www.bbc.co.uk/science/humanbody/hum...ace/index.shtml
  23. and there is uncle david attenbrough...
  24. he is one of my favorite people... Dr.SUZUKI
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