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Everything posted by Pva_Glue

  1. I am off.. I'll do some light reading, then I off to bed... I should feed my brain time to time with TIMES cheers Joe
  2. on last page...
  3. me alone and some silver fish..
  4. Who is the guy?
  5. I got a pile in my sink
  6. I click one of the damm dark's link and all it said was "YOU ARE AN IDEOT" hahaha :lol:
  7. woot? :confused: am I missing something here?
  8. ahha yeah go and do some that high school chemistry! just remember when you do organic chemistry
  9. hahhah I never done drug nor smoke... bad bad...
  10. hahha I am anti -smoke
  11. what the???? are you sure you are not on drugs? hahahah crazy aiden
  12. hahahha That's ooo CUTE!! hahah Puppys are always cute Make sure train that puppy right from start!
  13. Got any pics of itself?hahah use mirror or picture of the product cheers Joe
  14. what is 8310 look a like?
  15. yeah I want to get great dan or malamute... only when I get nice big house My family had two chihuahua once... they are great but too small cheers Joe
  16. haha there is one skyline wiht roof rack in eastern state... I was reding post at http://www.skylinesdownunder.com do search! I wnat one too cuz so I can put my kayak!
  17. heheh I ment to say Bussellton
  18. maybe I should get a pet... How about fish? that fighting fish saimese. saimese fighting fish
  19. hahah do you sleep and eat in the skyline hahah once I did that when I drove down to geralton with my mates
  20. Sometimes, I really think about getting married . yeah I know, anything get me away from comming to empty house after hard work or studying... sad life.
  21. Do you live by yer seld mate? hahahhah damm bachlor life sucks!
  22. ok this how I got the damm Permits for my old skyline... Cop stoped me cuz thought my exhaust was too loud, gave me yellow defect sticker. so I went to pit, engineer checks all out A. ok. even tested. I asked him if I can get a permit for it? so I dont get hassel, he said go to the licencing centre and pay the permit, which was $28.20. "Vehicle Examination - MODIFICATION PERMIT. I got permit for following. -Fitment of cone type Air filter -Exhaust noise at time of testing within legal limts. -Fitted with 110mm tail pipe extension (my muffler ) -All other exhuast componets are standard (he dint even look ) -aluminium racing padles signed such and such...etc. so there you go! cheers Joe
  23. hahahha I am cruise nazi must runs in Koreans j/k:p hahahahha
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