my ex was 3 years older
and I still felt that she was younger than me...
she was just rich girl dads pay for everything.... etc..etc.
she was absoulutly no idea how world go around.... too naive if I may say so...
russ save yourself! it's not as cracked up to be...
that's just too sad getting on with drunken chick....yack!
drunken chicks aint my type........
I have to say
Chick smoking and drunken chicks are most ferral! bad ....
that would be my worst nightmare!
I've seen a documentary about this playboy... he had a life of all but at the end when he got old he got nothing but memories...
mental note... introduce introduce introduce...
I wasnt hiding anything... it happend so quickly and I just dint know what to do infront of both...
arrhh well I hope she talk to me agian
well............................... I never said I was one.
I dont know what'll happen... I might give a call 2 moro...
but why do I still have feeling for EX....??!??! I am sad one
well yeah I deserve that. well it happend so quickly. so I froze... when two girls walking toward to you one ex and tanya (they never met)...
I just didnt know what to do